Chapter 3 a New Start.

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Pytron Central nexus.
04.24 local time.
Jaune POV

I and Zarash walked trough the nexus towards the med bay. We saw multiple protoss on the way. They were similar compared to Zarash but still greatly different, so I guess they were khalai protoss. Also whenever we got past them I felt this strange feeling in the back of my head.

When we arrived to the med bay I saw Teal laying on a bed with a metal leg. Next to him sat a protoss woman by the looks of it watching over him before we arrived.

"En taro Adun prelate, and terran. I am to inform you that the procedure was a great success, but it will take some time for this terran to adjust." The woman's singing like voice echoed in my head.

"En taro Adun preserver. When will he wake up?" Zarash asked.

"Shortly." She answered before turning to us.

"Prelate there is something you should know, during the bio scans this ones genetics match that of the Nerazim more then any other." The preserver said.

"Is he able to connect to the Khala?" Zarash asked.

"Most likely." the preserver answered with poison in her voice.

"Uhh... the hell?" a new voice echoed in the telepathic link

"Teal!Oh I am so clad your ok." I yell after recognising his voice.

"Uhh Jaune where are we? and what the hell happened to you?!" Teal said.

"I have already answered all the questions in your mind when Jaune asked them. Once You two are connected to the Khala you will gain answers to the rest of your questions. So preserver if you would." Zarash says.

As the preserver does not seem to be pleased with this as Teal speaks out.

"Wow wow wow. Don't we get a say in this?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Go ahead." I said shocking Teal. I wanted answers and if this Khala could provide them I would accept it.

Teal gave me an unsure look but said nothing.

The preserver raised her hand towards us with displeasure apparent in her movements and as she did I felt this weird sensation in the back of my head. I see Teal clench his fist as a blue glow started to move up his nerve cords. As the glow reaches Teals head I am overwhelmed with emotions thoughts and so much more . It was amazing it gave of this feeling of belonging and peace, but there was a disturbance. Lots of panic and maybe fear was emanating somewhere very close. I search for it and found a mind in this sea of thoughts that was quite not like the others. After some time I found out that it was Teal trying to shut himself out of this connection.

Suddenly there was a strange sounds weird 'swiss' weird crackling and something being cut. Then Teal's presence disappeared. I open my eyes and see Zarash standing above Teal holding a strange golden device producing a curved green blade of energy. I look down and see Teals nerve cords lying on the ground. I look at Teal who is breathing heavily with blue energy bleeding from what is left of his nerve cords.

"Patch up the psionic bleeding preserver" Zarash said in a tone filled with sadness? rage? and authority.

"I am sorry I should have talked to both of you before giving you the choice of connecting to the Khala." Zarash says in a regretful tone.

I suddenly feel anger flowing trough the Khala from the preserver. No words where spoken but I understood completely what she was going to say.

"I knew you were being reckless when you asked me to open these two outsiders to the Khala. The Khala is the sacred union of OUR people, but I guess a Nerazim cant understand!" The preserver screamed telepathically.

To this Zarash stayed silent.

"Teal was it? Why do you reject the Khala?" Zarash asks.

"I have lived alone almost my entire life, I have learned to value my own skills, experience and mind. When I was connected to that Khala, I felt so many emotions and thought and it was affecting me the way I think, my mind didn't feel my own. So I wanted to get rid of it." Teal explained.

"Spoken Like a true dark templar... We could give you shelter and aid your recovery  in return you will aid us in our campaigns, and learn our ways." Zarash offered.

"Does your recklessness hold no bounds Nerazim, I have humoured you so far but this is enough. If you plan on letting these lower life forms into our ranks as our responsibility you have truly..." The preserver yells before she is interrupted by some one yelling.

"THAT'S ENOUGH TALIA!" A voice full of authority rang in my ears.

We all turn to see the new comer. He was a protoss in almost ceremonial white and gold armor, with bright blue skin and yes burning with brilliant azure flames. When he entered he bled unbelievable amounts of authority and bride with a bit of anger.

"Executor this heretic is..." the preserver now identified as Talia began.

"I am fully aware of what Zarash is doing and he is doing so with my authority." The Executor interrupted his presence in the Khala leaking venom.

"But our laws..."  Talia tried to talk back.

"Made by fools who fear those who are different and obeyed by fools who believe everything they are told. You forget who we are preserver, we are the Forsaken we take in those who are rejected, no mater what the reason as long as they prove to be a working part of society they are welcome. Remember preserver you are here only because we found you on our ship in stasis, so unless you learn to adapt you will find yourself there again." The Executor said his presence growing more threatening with every sentence.

"Understood. Executor..." Talia answered.

"Now I am Executor Uldaras. I believe Zarash already gave you a deal. Let us talk about it in bit more detail." The executor said.

By the Light of RemnantNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ