So, that just left awkward, didn't it? And given the kind of person that Izuku was, him just being apprehensive about thing sort of thing made sense, right?

Her lips moved before her brain fully registered what she was saying. "...Or he's just... Not interested."

That... Was also an option, wasn't it?

Not an option she particularly liked to think about, but that didn't make it less of an option. And once she actually considered it, the more she realized that she couldn't just discount the possibility - As in, literally could not. Her brain refused to let her.

She had been the one to ask Izuku out, after all. It wasn't outside the realms of possibility that he had agreed to go out with her just because he didn't want to upset her. This was Izuku, the awkward, stammering, socially conscious and nervous guy who barely managed to get through a sentence without stammering when they first arrived at Yuuei. Sure, they had all grown and developed as people since that first day...

...But that didn't discount the possibility that that was what had happened. Not wanting to upset her, he agreed to go out with her, but wasn't actually interested in anything beyond that?

Part of her knew that she was making a mountain out of a molehill and that she really should just stop right now - But now that the thought had entered her head, she couldn't get it out.

If that was the case though, why not just reject her outright and be done with it? It would have sucked, but it would be better than having her hopes up, only to be ditched at a later date, for sure. Perhaps he just didn't have the heart to -

Mina shook her head, hard. "What the hell am I thinking?!" She asked aloud. She was thinking like this had all been confirmed, like she actually knew the reason for his backing out, when really, she didn't have a single clue as to what was going on.

Her mind was just going off on it's own thing. This was weighing on her, and she did want to know what the heck was going on - That was fair, wasn't it?

She took in a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. She wanted to know.

So she was going to figure it out.

"No, no, no, no, no, no - Damn it."

Mina growled as her character shot off the screen and into oblivion, for about the second time in just about as many minutes. It flabbergasted her - She shot a look at Izuku, who just seemed somewhat clueless as to how he'd actually achieved such a feat.

"I do not understand how you are so good at these games, Izu."

"I don't either." He replied, quite honestly.

Somehow, Izuku was the greatest person at games Mina had ever seen - And this was coming from her, and her large family of people who all did their damnedest to one up each other on just about every game they could get their hands on. She'd had plenty of time t get used to how games felt.

Izuku had only a little experience with games and the likes, having played only a few Hero-based games because of course that was the kind he played. Yet he seemed to stomp Mina at nearly every game they played.

She'd be bitter if it wasn't bizarrely fun. Today though, she had something more on her mind.

Subtlety wasn't exactly something Mina thought was going to work here - Which was good, because she had no intentions on being subtle in the first place. There weren't really a whole lot of options one could be subtle with when the issue was 'Why won't you kiss me?' anyway.

Izumina Week 2019Where stories live. Discover now