That feeling

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It's so weird. I saw her at school the day after, we smiled at each other and that's it. I thought we were friends or something, guess I was wrong... Even if we didn't do anything but smile, I got that feeling looking at her... She's so pretty. I get chills when I think of her and I feel so light, like everything was suddenly simple.  Would I be...? No I can't be... Forget it.


I can hear myself breathing heavily. I am about to fall asleep. When I breath like that, I know I am going to do that same nightmare I always do: Me in front of something wide, something deadly. I know there's a horrible thing that is about to happen, I can feel it. Still, I do not know what. The air instantly turns cold. My chest hurts like it was about to explode. This sensation feels like a ton of bricks on me. I am falling. A hand is holding mine. I turn to see who it is. 

I wake up crying.

Ella enters by the window of my room. I am so surprised to see her! That feeling again, I don't know what to do to not look awkward. I try to distract my brain to not think about it but it looks like she is about to make a big announcement. She looks excited and has a smile up to her ear. I ask why she is so happy and she tells me:

- We have to do something and I saw it in your face: you have a plan. Right?

- I do.

It's time to tell her.

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