Puck sat next to her and stayed quiet for a minute, looking at the spot on the field that Quinn seemed to be finding interesting. "How are you doing?"

"You don't have to worry about me, Puck." Quinn told him, an amused smile on her lips. "I'm fine. Honestly."

"I can see that you're fine," Puck admitted. "I just don't understand why you're fine."

"I'm fine because I got over Finn a long time ago. Do you think I didn't know he always loved Rachel?"

"Then why were the two of you together?" Puck asked, as confused as ever.

Quinn shrugged. "At first, I thought he could stop loving Rachel and fall in love with me. Then I realised that though he may love me, he wouldn't love me as much as he loved Rachel." Quinn looked at her hands. "That thought made me really mad at first, before I realised I was being a hypocrite."

"What do you mean?" Puck frowned.

"Well, I was mad at Finn because he loved someone else more than he loved me; but I also loved someone else more than I loved him too." Quinn explained.

Puck could hear his heart pounding and wondered if Quinn could too. He cleared his voice and said in his most casual voice, "Who?"

"Maybe this will answer your question."

Quinn looked down at Puck's lips and leant toward him. She put her hand lightly on Puck's cheek as she gently pressed her supple lips against his rough ones. She could feel Puck smiling slightly, causing her to smile too. She pulled away and looked at the face of a surprised Puck.

"There's only one thing I'm disappointed about." Quinn said quietly.

"What's that?"

"You still haven't asked me out." Quinn smiled cheekily.

Puck licked his lips before smiling. "Would you like to go out with me?"

"Let me think about that for a moment..." Quinn joked, causing Puck to chuckle. "I would love to."

Finn and Rachel were sitting next to each other in the choir room, holding hands and chatting quietly, when Puck and Quinn walked in, happily holding hands to show off their new relationship. The Glee Club all raised their eyebrows in surprise, though they were happy they were finally together.

Before anyone could make a comment on the new couples in the room, Mr. Schuester walked in. The room immediately quieted down to pay attention to him.

"Alright guys, before we get started today I just have to ask, how was prom?" Mr. Schue asked.

"It was... eventful." Artie said, earning a small laugh from everyone.

"Finn won Prom King." Mercedes informed Mr. Schue. Though seeing as Prom gossip was the talk of the school, it wasn't surprising that he already knew.

"I heard." He said, smiling at Finn who was on the front row. "And I heard Rachel got Prom Queen. Congrats, guys."

The Glee Club gave the couple a mini round of applause, causing them to smile and look down modestly.

"Speaking of the royal couple," Santana spoke up from the back, causing everyone to turn to her. "I can't believe Puck and Berry's crazy plan actually worked."

Santana snorted in amusement, though she was the only one. Puck an Rachel exchanged a panicked glance before turning to their significant others. Finn and Quinn both frowned in confusion. How had they not heard of this crazy plan? And the rest of the Glee Club just continued to stare at Santana in curiosity.

"Oh, come on," Santana said when she noticed everyone's confusion. "Don't tell me I'm the only one who knew about this?"

"What crazy plan?" Finn asked, turning to Rachel with a small frown.

"Yeah, what's she talking about?" Quinn added, turning to Puck.

"You didn't tell them?" Santana asked in surprise. "You're going to love it."

"Well, is someone going to tell us all what's going on?" Kurt asked what everyone in the room wanted to know.

"Finn and Quinn didn't just breakup by chance," Santana informed the club. "Puck and Rachel teamed up to break them up."

The room went completely silent and everyone looked at each other, still confused. Puck and Rachel both looked down, worried about how everyone would react.

"You tried to break me and Quinn up?" Finn asked Rachel, breaking the awkward silence.

"You and her didn't belong together, I was just trying to put things the way they should be." Rachel defended herself, trying to figure out if Finn was mad at her.

"That wasn't exactly your decision to make." Quinn spoke up, looking between Puck and Rachel.

"Well everyone knew it, we just-"

"No," Quinn stood up and walked to the front of the room where she could see Puck and Rachel clearly. "Just because you thought that you and Finn belonged together, that doesn't give you the right to make it happen."

"But Finn admitted he loved Rachel." Puck reminded his girlfriend.

Rachel looked at Finn and grabbed his arm. "It all worked out for the best." She hoped that Finn would smile and admit that it did work out for the best. Unfortunately, he didn't.

Finn pulled his arm away and stood up. "That's not the point." He shook his head at Puck and Rachel. "Neither of you have the right to meddle with peoples' lives."

"We didn't technically break you up though," Rachel said, desperation in her voice. "You two did that yourselves."

"Yeah," Puck agreed. "Rachel and I just gave you the nudge."

"We didn't need the nudge." Quinn told them both, slightly frustrated by the whole thing. "What if Finn and I are destined to be together but we don't end up together because you two are so selfish."

"Who are you kidding, Quinn, you and Finn don't belong together." Rachel said, sounding amused by the idea.

"That's not for you to decide though!" Quinn raised her voice at the small brunette.

"Quinn, calm down," Santana said, being the only one brave enough to get involved. "In their defence, they did what they did with good intentions. You don't see Finn yelling at Rachel."

The room turned to Finn to see his response. Finn looked at Rachel, then Puck, then Quinn. "Actually, I agree with Quinn," He admitted, making Rachel look down sadly. "It's true that in this case Quinn and I would have broken up without your help because we weren't supposed to be together, but you still shouldn't have done it."

"I'm sorry." Rachel said honestly.

"Me too." Puck added, but Quinn looked at him like she's just realised something.

"I would expect this selfish act from Rachel, because she only cares about herself," Quinn directed to Puck. Rachel looked at the floor after hearing that, a hurt look on her face. "But I didn't realise you were just as selfish as her."

"I'm not!" Puck assured her.

"I don't want to hear you deny it." Quinn said as she backed away. "I need some time to think."

Finn watched as Quinn left the room, slamming the door behind her. He turned back to the rest of the people in the room, who were all watching him and waiting for his next move. He looked at Rachel who seemed to be upset he found out. He already knew that Rachel had a tendency to be selfish at times, but he couldn't believe Rachel and Puck would actually do this.

He looked at the floor and decided that he needed some time to think too. Without a word, Finn turned around and quietly left the room.

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