Chapter 7

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Rachel, Puck, Sam and Santana walked to the cafeteria together to discuss how the plan was going to go down. As they walked in a line, they could see heads turning to follow the unusual combination of people. No one would bet Rachel Berry would hang around with Santana Lopez. Rachel was proud of the turning heads, however, Santana was more ashamed.

"You know what?" Rachel said, breaking the comfortable silence the group had been walking in. "I've always wanted to be part of a gang, and now it's happening."

"This isn't a gang." Sam told her quickly.

"I'm going to call it a gang." Rachel argued, a proud grin on her face and a bounce in her step.

"Great." Santana snorted, turning to Puck as she did. "Of all people you could team up with, you chose Berry The Thug over there."

"Please, you know Rachel's about as harmless as a... as a..." Puck tried to argue. "Unicorn."

"I actually think unicorns can be quite dangerous." Sam added to the conversation. "If those horns hit you with some power..."

"Shut up. Right now." Santana said firmly. "Before I shove a tennis ball in your Trouty Mouth and shut you up myself."

Sam frowned at Santana's threat and the group continued walking in silence. They reached the cafeteria and walked to the nearest table, sitting down in a group. Puck sat next to Santana and Rachel next to Sam.

"So, all we have to do is go with you to prom and then we're done?" Sam asked when they were settled.

"Pretty much." Rachel nodded. "I can't wait to see the look on Finn's face when we tell him."

"I can't believe I've agreed to this." Santana said with a sigh, rubbing her face with her hand.

"It'll be fine." Puck comforted.

"Oh my Barbra." Rachel said, straightening her back and looking over the crowd. "Finn's over there right now, without Quinn."

"So?" Sam said with a frown, taking a large bite from his sandwich.

"Now's our chance to go and show him we're going to prom together." Rachel told him as if it was obvious. "Come on." Rachel stood up, grabbed Sam's hand, and dragged him away from the table.

Sam looked at his abandoned sandwich longingly as he was dragged away. As soon as he had left, Puck grabbed his sandwich and ate it himself.

Rachel quickly thought of a way to go about this as she made her way over to Finn, Sam close in tow. She stood right behind Finn in the lunch queue so whatever she said would be in his earshot. She signalled for Sam to lean in close to her and whispered,

"Ask me to prom, in a convincing way."


"Do it."

Rachel's stern look meant that Sam didn't want to argue with her. He took a deep breath and tried to prepare what he would say.

"Hey, Rachel." He pretended to greet her.

"Oh, Hi, Sam." She tried to sound pleasantly surprised.

"How are you today?"

Rachel frowned at him. "Fine." She gave him the signal for him to hurry up as the queue moved forward.

"Uh..." Sam hesitated. "Have you got any plans for prom?"

"Not yet." Rachel acted. "Other than singing for glee club, of course." She added.

Finn tilted his head to the side so he could try and not-so-subtly listen to the conversation. This didn't go unnoticed by Rachel who smiled to herself, proud to have grabbed Finn's attention so easily.

Sometimes Love Needs A Little GuidanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang