Chapter 8

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Finn walked through the crowded halls, for the first time noticing how many happy couples belonged to the school. They were all smiling, thrilled to be in each others presence. They clung to each other, as if scared they would be pulled apart at any moment. It made Finn want to be sick.

He wondered if people looked at him and Quinn and thought of them as a happy couple. Thought that they belonged together. He wondered if people could see the reality of their relationship. It seemed to him that they were constantly at each other's throats, always bickering about something. He had lost count of how many looks of resentment he had received from Quinn; and how many he had given in return. Their relationship took a definite repetitive routine, which went a little like: Happy couple, fall out, tension, resolution, repeat.

Finn knew relationships shouldn't feel like this. He found himself questioning how Quinn felt about him constantly, which was exhausting. With Rachel it was simple: if she loved him, she showed him; if she hated him, she showed him. That was one of the many reasons Finn loved Rachel.

Rachel. Finn sighed at the thought of her. She hadn't been out of his mind all night. Every time Finn tried to move on with his life, Rachel would pop into his mind. Rachel with her gorgeous brown eyes, long brown hair and amazing voice. Rachel and Quinn were polar opposites, in looks and personality. So why did Finn always find himself deciding which one of them he truly loved?

As Finn was about to head towards maths class, he saw Puck at the other side of the hall. Deciding that differentiation and integration could wait, Finn changed his route and headed towards Puck.

"Puck!" Finn shouted to get his friends attention. Puck looked up and began to walk towards him. They met each other in the middle and fist-bumped in greeting.

"What's up, man?" Puck said casually as he and Finn began walking together.

"I was just wondering where you was last night?"

"...At home." Puck said as if it were obvious.

"You missed football practice." Finn reminded Puck, not appreciating his patronising tone.

"Damn, that was last night." Puck tipped his head back, remembering that football was on Monday night. "Sorry, I was a little preoccupied." Puck had been on the phone to Rachel for quite a while and forgot he had other commitments.

"That's fine." Finn brushed it off. "It's just, I called you. Your phone went straight to voice mail."

"Yeah, I was on the phone to someone." Puck replied, not understanding why Finn seemed to be prying.

"For two hours during football practice?" Finn asked sceptically.

"It was important." Puck shrugged.

Finn stopped walking in the middle of the corridor so he could have this conversation properly. Puck only noticed a few moments later when he was a few steps ahead. He turned around and stood in front of Finn, a confused frown on his face.

"What's going on with you?" Finn asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing." Puck frowned. Finn was acting weird and he didn't know why.

"You've been acting different lately." Finn stated. "You hardly talk to me any more, in fact, you hardly talk to anyone any more."

"I've got other things going on." Puck shrugged casually, though he started to feel nervous about the way Finn was acting.

"Who was you on the phone to last night?"

"Why does that even matter, I-"

"Just tell me." Finn pleaded. "I'm your best friend and I feel like I don't even know you any more."

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