Chapter 5

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The piercing sound of the school bell rang through the halls, and moments later, a pool of chattering children began to pour out of the classrooms. Among these teenagers was Finn Hudson. Finn walked towards the choir room for Glee Club practice, smiling at other members of the football team as he walked.

When he arrived, half of the Glee Club were already seated. He looked through them for a sign of Quinn but she hadn't arrived yet. He smiled at Puck and Rachel who were engrossed in a serious looking conversation. They had become a lot closer recently and Puck seemed concerned about Rachel a few days earlier. Finn suspected something going on between them and, strangely enough, it made him feel somewhat angry. He pushed those feelings aside and went to sit on some chairs by himself.

As the minutes past by, everyone had arrived apart from Quinn. Finn began to wonder if she had been sent home. Maybe she was ill, or maybe she had an accident. Just as he began to worry, she strolled through the door with the Queen Bee look on her face that she hadn't worn for a while. She walked confidently to Finn and smiled to him, taking the seat next to him.

"Hey, Honey." She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Where have you been? You're later than usual." Finn asked, taking one of Quinn's hands and entwining their fingers.

Quinn shrugged casually. "I was just talking with Coach Sylvester."

Finn frowned at Sue's name. He really hated that woman. "What about?"

Before Quinn could answer, Mr. Schuster came walking into the room, instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

"Okay guys, if you could quiet down please." He said, putting his bag on top of the piano and facing the crowd of children. "I'm sorry I'm late but I was talking with Mr. Figgins and I have some good news. As you all know, Prom is in a couple of weeks and the school has been looking for a band to play. Well, Mr. Figgins has asked the Glee Club if we would like to sing at Prom!"

The room erupted into happy cheers and fist bumps. People began to talk about what songs they should sing and Mr. Schuster let them for a while.

Finn smiled and turned to Quinn saying, "I think we should sing Don't Stop Believing. We've always killed that number."

"I don't think a group of high school children are going to want to dance to a song from the 1980's." Quinn stated.

"But that's the first song that the Glee Club sang."

"But it's an old song. If it's not in the charts right now, I don't think they'll want to hear it."

"It's a great song! It's timeless!"

"Finn, what are you getting so upset about?" Quinn asked with a small smirk-like smile.

"Honestly?" Finn asked and waited for Quinn's nod. "You've always loved that song, you even sometimes sing it in the car on the way home. Now all of a sudden it's not good enough?"

Quinn took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm not saying it's not good enough for me, I'm saying that everyone who isn't in the glee club won't see the significance of the song. They'll just be hearing a song that was popular thirty years ago."

Finn looked down and nodded. "I understand."

Quinn smiled and put her hand on Finn's knee. "Are you feeling OK? You seem a little stressed."

"I'm fine." Finn assured her. "I just thought that-" Finn stopped himself from answering, knowing that if he told her the truth, it was bound to start an argument. "It doesn't matter, I just didn't get much sleep last night." He lied.

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