"Santana." Puck said quietly.

"Are you kidding? She has the biggest mouth in the school. She'll just walk right way and tell Quinn what we're doing."

"No she won't." Puck said confidently. "I have something to hold against her."

"So, you're going to blackmail her?" Rachel said in distaste.

"That I am."

"Well, while you're doing that," Rachel said as she stood up. "I have to go. No offence, but I have better things to be doing on a Friday night than sit in a park with you."

Puck smirked at her cockiness. "Better things like what? Singing in front of a camera so you can upload it to the internet?"

Rachel scowled at him and stormed angrily away. Puck watched and chuckled to himself as he watched her dramatic exit. He then stood up and walked into the other direction.

Rachel stared at her phone screen, looking at the number that she had already dialled. All she had to do was click 'call' and she would know the fate of Operation Happily Ever After. She didn't know why she was so nervous, but if her pounding heart was any indication, she was. It was probably because she had spent so long getting the people in the Glee Club to like her, but now, if they found out about her and Puck's plan, they would think of her as selfish and self-centred again.

Rachel closed her eyes and took a deep breath to prepare herself. She then hit dial and brought the phone to her ear. It only took a couple of rings before Sam answered.


"Hi Sam, it's Rachel. Rachel Berry." Rachel said in her usual chipper voice.

Sam laughed slightly, almost nervously it sounded to Rachel. "I only know one Rachel. And by now, through no fault of my own, I'd know the sound of your voice anywhere."

Rachel frowned, though she knew Sam couldn't see her. "Ignoring your rude implication that I talk a lot, I need your help."

"Why would you need my help?" Confusion was the only thing Rachel could hear in his voice.

"Well, I'm glad you asked." Rachel said enthusiastically. "I need you to take me to prom."

There was a shocked silence at the other end of the line. Rachel looked at her screen to check that the call was still going. Eventually, she broke the silenc by saying. "Sam, are you there?"

"I'm here." Sam confirmed. "I'm just confused."

"About what?"

"Rachel, we never speak. Like, never. I've been warned never to speak to you, and honestly, you scare me a little." Sam explained. Rachel frowned again at his offensive comments. "But you want me to take you to prom."

"I only want you to take me because I have ulterior motives. It has nothing to do with me enjoying your company." Rachel had to try and get a dig in at him as a form of revenge."

"OK..." Sam drawled. "Then why should I?"

"You're going to think I'm insane," Rachel said with an uncomfortable laugh.

"I think you ran that risk a long time ago." Sam commented, causing Rachel to frown yet again. "Honestly, I don't think anything you say will surprise me."

"OK," Rachel took a deep breath. "I need you to take me to prom to make Finn jealous."

"Not this crap again." Sam breathed. Rachel chose to ignore him.

"Puck's in on it too."

"What's you making Finn jealous got to do with Puck?"

"We're trying to break Finn and Quinn up." Rachel informed him. "So that I can date Finn and Puck can date Quinn."

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