Chapter 2~ Jaz's Introduction

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"Crap," I hear this girl say as she picks up the contents of her bag, “Sorry I didn't see you there" the girl says and she looks up and blushes.

"Don't worry, " I say smiling like when a little boy gets a toy truck.

"Oh sorry you don't know who I am. I am Madeline but please never call me that always call me Mimi. I just moved in with my Dad, he lives in 209." Mimi says, well really vomits out a mess of words.

"Oh that’s cool. I'm Jasper but if you want you can call me Jaz. I live in 208, did you say 209, that must make you Craig's daughter,"

My Brother said she was hot when he saw here get out of the car yesterday, but God Mimi was beautiful.

"Yeah, he had to go to work today so I was going to grab a coffee," Mimi says then presses the down button.

"I was just about to get coffee, How about I take you out for coffee as a welcome to the building type thing, no strings," I say hoping that she would say yes,

“Um I guess, but I have to be home before my Dad gets home,”

We walk out of the lift and walk out the door. It was easy living right next door to the coffee shop.

“So Mimi, tell me about yourself?”

“What do you want to know?” She says chuckling,

“Um what’s your favourite colour?”

“Um, I don’t really have one I think we are all privileged to be about to experience the beauty of colour,”she says chuckling again,

“Ok, so what your favourite thing to do other than chucking?”

"Oh that’s easy, Reading for sure," she says and chuckles again,

"I love reading too, ok so what’ your favourite book?"

"My 1920s copy of Pride and Prejudice, it is by far the most beautiful book I have ever seen. My best friends gave it to me,"

"OK how about if I can find a more beautiful book than that I'll buy it for you. It's a book bet," I smile at her.

"OK, but I doubt you will find one," she says smiling and my whole body fills with warmth and love.


"How about this one?" I say for the hundredth time today,

"No," she says and chuckles, "you will never be able to find one I promise,"

"How about this one?" I say down the ladder in which I was standing

"No," she chuckles



"Come on this one has to be more beautiful!"

"No, I told you"

"This one?" she chuckles

"What?" I say

"That’s the first book you pick," she says laughing and I join in,

"Fine I give up, you win, there is no book in my favourite vintage book store that is more beautiful then your 1920's copy of Pride and Prejudice." I say in a theatrical voice and we both laugh.

As we both start to walk out she stops,

"Hey are you ok?" I say, worry written all over my face.

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