chapter twenty two.

Start from the beginning

Alaric nodded knowingly, already figuring that the Heretic had something to do with this. "Names. They're not native. They're written in Runic, a Viking script." Lyanna informed him. "Klaus, and Elijah, and Rebekah.

Damon and Elena seemed to catch onto what she was saying and looked at Lyanna like she had grown a second head.

"After all, I was one who helped draw them. Klaus isn't the only artist in the family."


"Careful Beks, That blade will cut your hand if you are not careful," Lyanna warned the blonde Mikaelson.

Rebekah smiled dotingly at her littlest sister. "Not to worry dear Ana," she assured.

Lyanna stood beside Rebekah, who was currently holding the knife, carving her name in Runic in a cave wall. Klaus stood behind his little sisters holding a burning wooden torch

"Rebekah, Let me have it!" Klaus complained.

"Quiet Niklaus! I am to have more concentration if I am not to slice off a finger." Rebekah scolded her older brother. Lyanna giggled against her hand as she saw Niklaus pout.

"Father will not like you handling the blade." Klaus continued.

"If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade! Father need not know!" Lyanna boasted.

"He will find out. He always does." Klaus murmured quietly.

"That's because you always tattle Nik." Lyanna hits his shoulder scornfully. Rebekah seemed to agree along with her as she let out a snort.

Lyanna frowned and hugged Klaus in comfort. Klaus looked down at Lyanna and smiled softly.

Rebekah smiled sadly, "He frightens us all."

"That's why we stick together as one, always and forever." Lyanna held onto Rebekah and Klaus' hands.

Rebekah smiled at Klaus, "Always and forever right traitor?"

Klaus smiled back. "Right."

Lyanna chuckled and took her hands away from both siblings. Rebekah moved away from the wall. "Her brother, help our little bitty Ana carve her name. I am to help mother with the meal," she said, handing the knife to her older brother.

"Yes, go tend to dinner, and leave the blades to the men, little sister." Klaus teased. Lyanna narrowed her eyes as Rebekah smiled mischievously.

The brunette gasped in shock then scoffed out a laugh when the Blonde Mikaelson retorted by slamming the knife blade side down into the palm of Klaus' hand, slicing it open. "Agh, Bekah!" Klaus complained, wincing in pain.

Lyanna's doe eyes look up at Klaus worriedly. "Are you okay big brother?"

Klaus instantly put on a tough look. "I'm alright little sister."

"He's not." Rebekah inputted with a smirk. Klaus glared daggers at the blonde. "It's just a little blood," Rebekah stated nonchalantly to Lyanna and turned to their older brother. "Be a man about it."

Lyanna looked at Rebekah in awe, she always looked up to Rebekah and her witty comebacks. "Big sister, you're so cool." she gushed, clasping her hands together.

Rebekah grinned cunningly and walked off, leaving an annoyed Klaus and an enthusiastic Lyanna ready to carve out her name.

"There are the names of the Original Family?" Elena questioned in disbelief, looking between the Runics and Lyanna.

"Carved into a cave that's been here since way before the founding of Mystic Falls. Or even the entire New World, for that matter." Alaric told her.

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