Quinn nodded and turned to discuss the song list with the rest of the Glee club. Finn looked down guiltily. The truth was, he thought Quinn was dismissing the song because she knew that Finn would want to sing it with Rachel and she still hadn't given him permission to sing with her. Truth be told, it did bother him that Quinn thought she could tell him who he could and couldn't sing with. But he would never tell her, it would only end in tears, and he feared it would be his.

The next day, as Finn walked down the hall, he spotted Rachel opening her locker. He said goodbye to his football friends and made his way towards her. He tapped her on her left shoulder and then walked around the the other side of her so she looked over the wrong shoulder. He then leant against the locker to her right.

Rachel turned around and smiled when she saw it was Finn who had tapped her.

"Hey." Finn smiled back to her. "What's new with you?"

"Not much really." Rachel shrugged.

"Are you excited for prom?"

"Very." Rachel smiled excitedly. "I got hardly any sleep last night because I was trying to decide what solo I should sing."

"Did you decide?"

Rachel shook her head no. "There were too many options to decide in just one night."

This made Finn smile. He always loved how passionate she was about singing. Even if she was just singing for Glee club, the song always had to be great and her vocals perfect.

"Do you think you'll be singing at prom?" Rachel asked as she pulled her books from the locker.

"Probably not." Finn shook his head.

"Why not?"

"Because all the school will be there." Finn said as if it was obvious. "I don't want to sing in front of the football team, they'll think I'm a loser."

"Finn, high school isn't a popularity contest." Rachel assured him, closing her locker door as she did. "If you love singing, then do it! In three years' time, you won't care about any of those guys on the football team, but you will regret not doing what you love because you were scared some stupid Neanderthals would judge you."

Finn smiled down at her as they began walking down the hall. "You know, if you ever change your mind about wanting to be on Broadway, you could always be a motivational speaker."

Rachel laughed at that. "That's a great idea, but I think I'll stick with Broadway for now." They walked in a comfortable silence for a moment. "So, will you and Quinn be going for Prom King and Queen?"

"We haven't really spoke about it yet." Finn said with a casual shrug. "But it's Quinn's dream so I guess so."

Rachel frowned at that and stayed quiet for a moment. Finn picked up on that and assumed it was because she still had feelings for him.

"You haven't spoke about it?" Rachel repeated a few moments later.

"No, we haven't." Finn clarified. "Why?" Finn could see Rachel looking confused, he just didn't understand why.

"It's just, those posters suggest otherwise." Rachel pointed to the wall across the hall.

Finn followed Rachel's gaze where his eyes landed on a poster taped to the wall. He instantly recognised the faces on it to be Quinn and himself. He walked over to it to get a closer look, followed by Rachel.

The writing on it said, 'Quinn and Finn for Prom King and Queen' and it had a picture of Quinn with a Queen's crown photo-shopped on her head and Finn with a King's crown. Finn pulled it from the wall and looked at it with Rachel peering from behind him.

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