Friends, Till You're Not?

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"Mimi are you sure about this? You don’t have to leave because of what happened," my mother pleads with me for the fifth time today.

"Mum, I need to go. I have to go, please." I say knowing that me leaving will break her heart, "I will come and visit whenever I can and call you every day ok?"

"Fine. Your father should be here tonight so you will leave tomorrow."

"Meg, Lizzie and Katie should be here soon."


As I leave our dinning room to go to my bedroom. My phone vibrates in my pocket; I take it out and another pleading message from Ben appears.

Please Mimi-bear take me back. I love you. I have changed please I love you too much to let you go. Remember all the good times we had. Please get back with me; we are a match made in heaven.

Love your benny-boo xxxxxxx

Can't he just leave me alone he has caused me enough heartache and pain for the rest of my life. Just because my friends have forgiven him! I sit on my bed thinking about getting away from it all. The memories that surround me like the four walls of my bedroom.

"We’re here,” Katie shouts as she bursts into my room,

"Its about time to. I have been sitting here for over three minutes, far too long in my opinion" I say laughing,

"How can one person have as many opinions as you? It is impossible," Lizzie says as she walks through the door,

"Your one to talk Lizzie," I say and we all laugh.

After the girls tell me what they have all been up to in the twenty hours that I haven't seen them.

“It seems so unreal that you are leaving,” Lizzie says,

“I know, but I feel like a change,” I reply,

“Also an escape from Ben,” Katie adds.

“Here we go,” I say

“He isn’t that bad Mimi,” Meg says

“He flipping cheated on me, with one of my best friends.” I say in frustration,

“He apologised though,” Katie add,

“Look I don’t want this fight with you all when I am leaving tomorrow,”

"Tomorrow," they all say at once starring at me begging with their eyes that it wasn't true.

"Dad found a place last week and he is coming up tonight, I'm sorry I dint tell you sooner," I say with silent tears,

"We all know Mimi, but you haven't started packing come on, where are the boxes?" Lizzie says, and then sees the pile of flat boxes under my bed.

We all started packing all of my stuff. Lizzie was in control of the situation. As we pack we started to talk about the fun times we had during the past three years. We were in the middle of the story when we went to Katie's holiday house on the train last year when mum walks in,

"I'm glad that you have started packing. How much more do you have?"

"Not much Cathleen, we have packed all the books which took forever," Lizzie says to mum as we all laugh, "we have also packed the willow tree and all the pictures and other things like that so we really only have the clothes left,"

"Wow that’s an achievement, do you guys want a break?"

"Yeah that’s sounds good Cathleen but check with our boss, she is a bit of a cow, no pay and no toilet break," Katie says as we all laugh at Lizzie who sticks her tongue out at Katie who then does it back.

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