Chapter 3~ I'm Fine, Perfectly Fine

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After the restless night sleep, going to work was the last thing I wanted to do. When I arrive James was at the nurses

satiation. He peaks out from behind a pile of paper,“Hi Millie, Jesus you look like death.”

“Thank you for the lovely compliment, its such a nice way to start the day,” I reply, sarcasm dripping from each word.

“Someone’s in a bad mood this morning.”

“I slept about 3 minutes in total, so yes I may be a tad terse.”

“A tad” James scoffs at my understatement.

“Has Michelle called yet?” I ask, changing the subject.

“Yes, so you better get your patient rounds started.”

 I work my through forty of my patients, avoiding number forty-one. I return with the progress report and Michelle read through them.

“You have forgotten a patient.” She states plainly.

“Is it necessary to see him now?” I knew asking the question was like putting one foot in my own grave.

“Sorry, I don’t think I hear you right. What you said was of course Michelle I will go right away. That is what you said right?”

“Yes it was,” with a look that could freeze.

They say there are two types of nurse. The one that actually wants to help someone get better and then the one that so the course cause they couldn’t get into medicine. Michelle was the second type. All she cares about is that the work gets done quickly and about pleasing the boss so that she might get a raise. She won’t. Standing in front of Declan’s door, the same feeling I had last night. That undeserved hatred for the man, creeped up on me. I take a deep breath, a lollypop out of my coat and barge into his room. 

What I walk into was a completely different to what I expected. There was a teenage girl with the same brown, curly hair as Declan but it hangs down to her shoulders. She looks about fifteen. She turns around to look at who had entered and I now see that she also has the same green eye that Declan but hers sparkle in a way which he’s do not.

“Finally can you please tell him that he is not allowed to hit on the other nurses, it creepy. Oh wait sorry I thought it was our mother,” She turns red with embarrassment,

“Don’t worry, and I have been trying to tell him but he doesn’t seen to listen.” I reply.

“Lollipop, back again I see.” Declan says in an egotistical voice,

“Trust me, if it wasn’t my job I wouldn’t have come. I actually tried but the boss said I had to so yeah.” Who I gather to be Declan’s sister snorts beside me, “I like her,” I tell Declan, pointing at her with my pen.

“She is a real charmer.” Declan says in a sarcastic voice.

“Oi, sorry my name is Emma and I am Declan’s sister.”

“Its nice to meet you, I’m...” I begin before Declan interrupts,

“Her name is Lollipop,”

“No its not, my name is Millie. Its nice to meet you.” I extend my arm to Emma and she shakes it.

After a few minutes of talking to Emma I go “I don’t understand. You’re so sweet and yet he is you brother. It doesn’t make sense.”

Emma chuckles “Oh he just took the cancer worse then I did,” she states.

“Hang on, you have cancer as well?”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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