"Evean." Vlad whispered. But this smell. It was too much.

"Something seems wrong." I could see another two come out and talk with Aro. I walked as the dark red line formed and went straight to Caius who was looking directly at me. Slowly the others left except the three leaders.

"We can take the three of them." Stefan smirked.

"No. Wait here a second." I stepped closer when a pain hit me hard and I fell in my knees. I let out a high pitch scream that made everyone cover there ears.

"Jane enough." I heard Aro say. I felt little hands on me.

"Mummy. Get up. Mummy please get up." I heard my April sob. I took a deep breath and she hugged me sobbing as Carlisle hurried over checking me over. I felt the way I did when I turned into this. I shot up and looked around. I hugged April and the three kings stood there.

"I should rip you apart for that." I growl.

"But you won't." Marcus said calmly. "We only wish to talk with you and the Romanian Coven. We have much to discuss."

"No we don't." I said picking up April. She glanced up at Caius and smiled. Caius grinned at her making her giggled.

"April why don't you go play with Renesmee." Edward get her out of her and keep her safe. He nodded and took Aprils hand. She looked back at me and I gave her a big smile.

"Let's make a snowman." Renesmee giggled.

"What is it you wish to talk about and hurry I wish to stay with my mate." Stefan growled.

"You are young Aprils mate." Aro said. "While Eaven seems to be Caius's mate." I just looked between the three of them. "Eaven will need to stay with Caius but April will need to stay with Stefan. But we can not split a daughter and mother especially since April is so young." Aro said. "What to do?"

"What will happen is April and Eaven will come back home to Romania with us. They live there and belong there." Vlad said.

"Well you see what I saw in Eaven's mind was if a Banshee is without there mate they will die."

"How would she know that?" Stefan asked.

"Because Elizabeth died 17 years ago when her mate moved away. She lasted a week." I frowned. There are only three pure blood Banshee's left. I didn't want them to know. I didn't want anyone to know.

"So April will die without me. But Eaven will die without Caius?" Vlad asked.

"Yes the only solutions is that we split the mother and daughter. Or you all come to Volturia." Marcus said emotionless.

"Outrageous!" Caius yelled at his brothers.

"For once we agree." Vladimir growled. I looked over at my daughter. She was happily playing to the snow with Renesmee and Edward without a care in the world.

"Vladimir." I looked to Stefan. "I'm sorry but I must go with them. I could never be the reason April or Eaven dies. There aren't many Banshees left in the world. I can't kill two. Plus if I don't go willingly I have a feeling Eaven would drag me after her." He chuckled and I smiled as I saw April run over.

"Mummy look." I looked and saw a small bunny in Aprils hand. It was bleeding and limping. "Can you help it mummy?" I kneeled down and took the tiny animal. I prick my finger and let a tiny drop of blood fall into the animals mouth. It let out squeaks before it's leg heals. I hand the bunny back to April. "Can we keep him. Please. I'll take care of him." She begged.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But he's still a baby. It needs a mummy. I'm sure the mummy is looking for her baby. Why don't you and Renesmee take him home?" She nodded and walked to Renesmee. "Take an adult with you." I called and she nodded. I got up and pat the snow off.

"She has enough bunnies at home." Vlad said to Stefan.

"What harm is one more?" Stefan smiled.

"She's got you wrapped around her little finger." I grin and he pulled a face.

"Has not." I roll my eyes.

"Back to the issue." Aro said.

"Well we will be coming with you. If you can promise no harm will come to my daughter in any way." I said and Aro nodded happily.

"Of course with Caius as your mate you will be a queen and April a princess. She will even have a guard with her. She will be perfectly safe. Your dietary requirements will be met as well." I nodded.

"Then we have no problem coming with you. We will need to travel to Romania to pack our things. I will need to get some important books and things from our home." I said and Marcus nodded.

"Caius should accompany you incase of any unpleasant circumstances to do with the mating pull." Marcus said and Caisus shot him a look.

"Oh come now brother. You will only be gone a couple days. 5 at most?" Aro asked and I nodded.

"Excellent. Alec. Demetri." Soon two boys stood next to Caius. "You will accompany the Romanians and Caius to Romania to keep them all safe."

"Yes Master Aro." Alec said while Demetri bowed.

"We leave in 2 hours." Vladimir said and walked off.

"I better fine April." I said walking off to find my daughter.

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