~°|Chapter Two|°~

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"George Washington," the teacher started, pointing at a picture of the first ever president of the U.S with a pointer stick in her hand. "Who can tell me who he is?" she asked with a bored tone, her eyes scanning around the classroom for anyone to answer the question.

"Oh, me! I can! I can!" Sherman chirped, raising his hand high in the air.

"Uh..." the teacher went over to her desk, tapped the stick against the desk and looked at a piece of paper that laid there.

"Sherman," she said after a moment, looking back at the red-haired boy and pushing her glasses up.

"The first president of the United States of America." he answered proudly. He turned his head to look at you - since you sat beside him -  and smiled widely.

A light shade of pink dusted onto your cheeks.  You chewed at your cheek and sheepishly smiled back at him, then looked down at your lap. Sherman seemed like a very optimistic, playful and happy boy. Rather cute too.

"Good job. And when President Washington was a little boy... what kind of tree did he cut down?" the teacher questioned.

"Ooh! Ooh, me! Me! Me!" Sherman chirped once again and jumped out of his seat, reaching his hand high in the air again. You covered your moth and giggled quietly to yourself at his enthusiasm, finding his personality very adorable.

The teacher looked around the room for anyone else to answer. Conveniently, Penny raised her hand high in the air and the teacher pointed her stick into your sisters direction.


"A cherry tree." she answered with confidence, snotty even. You rolled your eyes.

"Apocryphal!" Sherman exclaimed, turning around in his seat to face the blonde-haired female.

"What kind of tree is that?" the teacher asked Sherman, looking at him confusingly.

"It's not a tree. It's a word. "Apocryphal." It means that story is not true," he explained, turning around to face the teacher.

"Really?" the teacher said, astonished, and lowered her glasses as she looked at Sherman.

"Yeah. George Washington never cut down a cherry tree... and he never said he couldn't lie," he turned back around to face Penny who was looking at him strangely.

"People made those stories up to teach kids a lesson about lying... but they're not true. He did cross the Delaware River, Christmas night, 1776, though," Sherman turned around in his seat again to face the teacher who was looking at Sherman with an impressed look. You were impressed as well, looking at Sherman with your mouth slightly agape. He was so smart!

"My dad took me there this summer. We crossed it, too. I fell in!" everyone in the class including you burst into laughter, though Penny was the only one not laughing. She looked angry and jealous.

Sherman and you both caught eye contact. He smiled and your face heated up, again. You brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, looking away.

"Looks like someone really knows their history, huh, Penny?" the teacher said, pointing to Penny.

When Sherman wasn't looking, you glanced over at him again. Resting your head on your palm, you gazed at the brown-eyed boy with a red blush blooming across your cheeks. Your eyes dropped slightly as you stared at him in admiration as he happily sharpened his pencil. Penny on the other hand, narrowed her eyes glared at Sherman with hatred. Huffing, she grabbed onto her pencil and snapped the pencil in half and growled.


First morning classes finally ended and now it was lunchtime. Turned out you had all classes with Sherman from a brief conversation you and him had when the teacher wasn't looking. You felt ecstatic sharing all classes with him. Was he actually your first friend? You hoped so.

Once the bell rang for lunch, all the boisterous students piled out of their classrooms and into the halls, happily chatting amongst their friends. Just as you got out of your seat, Sherman gleefully approached you at your desk.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Wanna sit with me at lunch?" he asked you with that widened smile. You looked at him with a glimmer of confusion in your eyes.

'Did.. did he just invite me to lunch?'

You were surprised, your (E/c) eyes growing slightly. No one has really invited you anywhere, not even to a birthday partly or to sit with at lunch so naturally it shocked you.

"Sure... sounds great." you said after a moment, smiling softly. Your heart fluttered at the thought of having a friend, especially Sherman being your friend. There was just something about him that really peaked your interest.

Before anything else could happen, two excited boys approached you and Sherman.

"Woah dude! You were like, awesome today in class!" a dark skinned boy with swept black hair, brown eyes, a strong accent said and reached his hand out to give Sherman a high five.

"Hey, thanks!" Sherman perked and gave the kid a high five.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Mason! And this here is my good buddy Carl!" the dark-haired boy called Mason pointed to the short boy beside him. He had short blonde-hair, blue eyes and glasses who sat in a wheel chair.

"Hello!" Carl said, waving his hand. Sherman happily waved back.

"Hi guys! My names Sherman," Sherman pointed to himself. "And this is (Y/n)! I just met her earlier today before classes!" he stated as he gestured to you.

"Hello, Chica~!" Mason cooed flirtatiously and wiggled his eyebrows which caused you to blush.

Mason took your hand into his and bowed down respectively. Your cheeks deepened into a deeper shade of red and you shyly responded with, "H-hello.."

Sherman noticed your blush and felt a strange pang of envy stir inside him. He didn't know exactly why; was he jealous? But, why would he be jealous? He only just met you a couple hours ago. He shook his head slightly and quickly dismissed the feeling, deciding to change the subject.

"Let's go to lunch together!" Sherman suggested.

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