~°|Chapter One|°~

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~|Your POV|~

    I watched in despair as my house disappeared further and further away in the wing mirror as my mother drove down the road. Today was the first day of school and I wasn't excited about it. I've always dreaded going to school. Nobody liked me there in the slightest. I had no friends, and it's not like Penny was going to hang out with her younger sister. She says quote, "I wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with you."

That leaves me with no one to hang out with.

But I guess that's fine...I get to spend time to myself since I'm not really a people's person. I'm more of an introvert. I'm just very shy, quiet, and keep to myself since I never really had any friends before. Though, it does get lonely at times.

Most kids like my older sister Penny were happy to begin the new school year because they're popular and have tons of friends to go to. But the shy kids like myself dread stepping foot on a schools premises, knowing that we had no friends to go to and the only thing that awaited for us was teasing from the other students.

I guess that's why Penny and I don't get along. She's confident, pretty, and popular. She has tons of friends and has amazing grades, all the boys are head over heels in love with her, and Mom and Dad always appreciate her more. That's the complete opposite of me.

  I looked up in the rear-view mirror to see my older sister, Penny, applying some lip gloss onto her already glossy lips. She must have felt my eyes on her because she stopped applying lip gloss and glared at me with a look of disgust.

"What are you looking at?" she sneered.

    Penny and I aren't exactly close with each other. In fact Penny hates me. I'm nothing like her; she's popular, pretty, smart, and has tons of friends. Me? I'm just a loner that'll never be as successful as my older sister.

"N-nothing..!" I stuttered quickly, darting my eyes to the window beside me.

"(Y/n), you know it's not nice to stare." my Mother lectured, catching me a quick glance in the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah..I know," I muttered.

"Well you should learn to treat people with more respect, (Y/n)." Penny scolded, and I could practically sense Penny smirking as mother nodded her head in agreement.

"How ironic coming from you..." I mumbled under my breath. She must've heard me mumble because she immediately shot whirled herself around and gave me a dirty look of hatred.

"Um, Excuse me?"

"N-nothing!" I quickly added. She scoffed and rolled her eyes and turned around, continuing to apply lip gloss on her lips.

"(Y/n), be nice to your sister. You two are related, after all." Mom stated, and Penny shot me a look of satisfaction because of this.

    I sighed to myself and rested my head against the window.

    I don't really get along with my parents either. My parents treat Penny like a princess and me like some peasant. They spoil her to death but what do I get? Nothing. Penny always passes the blame onto me whenever something bad happens. Of course they believe her- they think she's a precious angel and me as just some liar and manipulator when in reality that's Penny. I've tried to fight back, stand up for myself but it just ends up worse for my case so I just bottle it all down inside. I just let it happen.

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