The Oddballs are back

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Kagura:Takaharu kun! Yamato kun!

Takaharu:Kagura chan! *hugs Kagura* We missed u.

Kagura:I really missed u guys too.I was lonely at first but then I had this dream about the Ryusoulgers fight Rita which had just became Gaisorg.

Yamato:Yeah,she's not here anymore.Stinger already arrested her.

Stinger came in...

Kagura:Stinger san! *hugs Stinger* I missed u so much.


Yamato:It has been a while.

Kagura:Hey,where's Marvelous san? I kind of missed him.

Takaharu:Don't know,I havem't seen Mr Pirate for a while.

Yamato;He'll be back,its just he has some work to do.

Takaharu:Hmm,Pirate work,huh,that sounds fun.

Yamato:Yeah,he's running late today.

Kagura:So,he's not back?

Yamato:Not yet,he has some work to so for now,let's just hang out.

Kagura:I wonder what Marvelous san is doing.

Takaharu:Yeah,me too.Doing pirate work is one pirate's duty.

Stinger:I want to do work in the ship but Tsurugi doesn't tell me what to do.

Takaharu:Who's Tsurugi?

Stinger:My Kyuranger member.He's now in charge of the ship.

Kagura:Is he an alien?

Stinger:No,he's just human.

Kagura:Oh,I thought it was.

Stinger:*nods if Tsurugi was*

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