chapter 2 The life of many who become one

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Iricus starts their training by ordering them to run laps till they can all state their magic element(power) and what their attitude should be during this training.

After the first lap, Masal says shadow correct Iricus answers to him. Then he says to obey your orders always. I do want you to obey my orders but that's not the correct attitude. After two more laps, Ilia answers temptation correct Iricus says and loyalty. Not completely Ilia I'm sorry. Nirdo then not much later says nature. Correct Iricus says once again. Brotherhood of course Nirdo then says. Correct now I still want to hear your elements. Arya then immediately answers nature. correct next Iricus says. Bardo answers light and Naro answers sand lastly Eyo answers shapeshifting. Now it's just you Lucy Iricus says. Silently she says light I don't know. Incorrect Iricus says Masal then looks at Iricus in confusion. Its light I'm sure of it Masal says look at the color of her aura. You are still incorrect its justice. It's magic based on reflecting others abilities next to that it's few attacks work well against dark magic or shadow magic. Wait really Masal answers no way that's a way to rare magic for a little farm girl. Iricus then looks at Masal little farm girl for that you will run till the sun goes down. But that's another 2 hours Masal says. True Iricus answers but what did we say our attitude was again. Brotherhood Nirdo answers. Correct and degrading your brothers and sisters isn't something you do.

Iricus then says we'll continue our training tomorrow the days after we will be doing training while traveling. Where are we going Nara asks the dwarven kingdom of Wallen why are we going there? We are going there to gear you all up of course Iricus answers. After all, if you are going to fight you will need weapons and armor. Really Lucy answers isn't equipment from the dwarven really expensive. I can't afford that she answers. You might not be able to but I can I'm buying the gear for you all. Really she asks. Of course, Iricus answers you are my brothers and sisters after all. The next day he helps them all train in magic giving them personal lessons for an hour each. Afterward Eve prepares all of the trainee's dinners. So Iricus can have a council with his men. The first Iricus asks his men is are your students doing well. Yes my lord, they all answers. Good he says now for the real business. We will be passing true the dangerous marshlands between here and the dwarven kingdom make sure you keep an eye on all of your students. We understand that I also have some business in the swamp. Make sure to keep an extra eye on your student's cause of that. Vardo then answers is it my people who are plaguing your mind. Yes they are I still have unfinished business with them you were there holy child after all.

The next day rested and well they ride into the forest the students walking while the teachers slowly ride in front and behind them. As they reach the swamp their movement is slowed down even more. after days of slowly walking true the swamp getting stuck at every step and turn they reach a small cottage in the swamp. I have business to attend to here training shall continue as usual my familiars here will train my students. Now get to work Iricus says. Then Iricus walks up to the small house and as he knocks the door opens and he steps in disappearing into the house. A few hours later Iricus reappears trouble is coming to my brothers. I will need you all to prepare for a battle, my brothers and sisters. He then sits down against the house and says this is the right moment to test you all as well I guess. I and the other trainers will rest here for a while you guys go and deal with the problem. But then what is going on one of the students asks. Well, a big group of angry lizardmen is approaching who more than likely want to kill me. Now then you will all have some time to decide what strategy you will use. After you have decided your strategy come and tell it to us so who can prepare ourselves to run if you all fail. But don't worry Vardo says well probably survive although you guys I'm not so sure about tho. Then after about ten minutes, the students return. Iricus asks so what have you come up with. We decided to split up in our training groups because we don't know from what side the enemy is approaching that way we can set up a perimeter while still not being too divided. Let's see if that works Iricus says.

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