Chapter Three

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October 25, 1337

“Our war ships will be leaving out the start of November.” Adam had been trying to make conversation with Hazel for half an hour, but his small talk didn’t seem to be working. Hazel had been mad at him for weeks and every time Magge walked by it only got worse.

      “Are you going with them?” Adam had talked Hazel into going on a walk through the village with him and a couple of insisting castle guards. She agreed only to see if villagers would whisper about her as she passed them.

      He tried to pretend there wasn’t excitement in Hazel’s tone. “I don’t know. They say my hand isn’t healing properly.” He waited for Hazel’s reply, but only received silence. “Hazel, what’s the use in being mad at me?”

      She turned to him with wide eyes. “You’re a liar! You played this heartbroken game with me and didn’t feel the need to tell me you already had a playmate to mend it. Yet you bring me into the castle just for me to be another one on your list.”

      “Hazel, you aren’t here to be my mistress. You know as well as I do we haven’t done anything of the sort. You’re here because you’re stuck.”

      He could immediately see that he said the wrong thing. Hazel stopped walking and said, “Oh, so I’m a nuisance! I’m only here because you’re stuck with me!” She started walking faster trying to show that she’d had enough of him.

      “Hazel!” Adam jogged to keep up with her. “You know that’s not what I meant. We’re both stuck here without a way out. Being mad at me is only going to make it seem like longer. It’s only going to get worse after the New Year!”

      This made Hazel stop and turn to look at him. “Why would it get worse after the New Year?”

      Adam bit his lips together and hesitantly said, “Because I’ve got to get married.”

      “What?! Is there anything else you need to tell me like you’ve already got four wives and your name’s really Steve?”

      Adam’s eyebrows drew together. “Steve?”

      “Adam, what do you mean you have to get married?”

      He sucked in a deep breath and said, “I’m eighteen, they expect me to have already taken the thrown years ago and to already have started working on heirs. I’ve already started one war and if I don’t produce legitimate heirs soon I’m going to start another one.”

      Hazel threw her hands over her face and muffled, “And who is it you’re gonna marry?”

      “I don’t know. I think Edwardo has some agreement with my would-be cousin in Hainault. Her name is Philippa. I’ve never met her.”

      Hazel raised her head up, leaving her hands suspended. “So you’re just going to marry someone you’ve never met?”

Time's Pandemonium: Perrin (Book Two) (slow updates) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن