Chapter Two

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“Running out of time, don’t you think?” Ryker had learned to numb the pain from his wounds. If he wanted to survive, showing pain wasn’t an option. Being clever and sophisticated, that was what it was going to take if he was going to stay alive. Clever and sophisticated- those were two things Ryker had never been exceptionally great at.

                Mira and Beckett had been working nonstop on the contraption that Mira had big plans for. Most of the time when Ryker made a smart comment, she pretended he hadn’t been chained up there. This time though her back was still turned, she showed signs of interest.  “Beckett,” Mira turned herself away from the machine and held a hand to the doorway. “Won’t you give the boy and me a moment alone?” Beckett fulfilled her wishes just as he always did and left the room. She took her time about turning to face Ryker. “Why I’m afraid, Mr. Grigg, that I’m not sure of what you mean. Care to explain?”

                “More than happy to.” He sat upright to the best of his ability without pulling his chains any tighter. “We’re all aware of your motivation behind sending John and Adam to take throne of Medieval England. Wouldn’t you agree?”

                Mira’s eyes narrowed. “I would agree that we all have sensible considerations on the matter, maybe.”

                “So it’s safe to assume that your plans won’t carry out very well with Adam not on your side. He could potentially make them much worse. You’re running out of time to get him on your side, if that’s possible.”

                As much as she hated to admit it, Ryker was right. She was so busy with her current project that she had completely forgotten about that small detail. There wasn’t much time. Mira had to act fast on Adam. “What do you want, child?”

                “To let me help you.” The words tasted strange on Ryker’s tongue. He didn’t let that show.

                Mira was visibly startled. Her voice rose higher in her question. “Why would you want to help me, Ryker Grigg?”

                He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I think what my Granddad did to you was unfair. They did tie you up with rocks and throw you in the ocean after all.”

                With narrow eyes, Mira turned around and pulled a set of keys from her brassiere. She shook them to where Ryker could hear them clinging and headed to the door. “We will discuss this further, but for now I am hungry.” She left and Ryker’s hunger pains grew worse at the sound of food. He’d probably lost ten pounds since he’d been there, Ryker guessed. Mira rarely fed him, and it was never anything top-notch. He couldn’t help but think that if it had been Serenity, she would have wasted away to nothing. She didn’t have ten pounds to lose.  It could be worse, he had to remind himself. It could be worse.


 “Your Highness?” A deep voice echoed up the stairwell- a voice she recognized as Forcius.

                Hazel stood up to greet him. “Any news?”

                A dreary-eyed Forcius sent an instant impression that something was wrong. “We have escorted His Royal Highness into the castle.”

                “Unharmed?” He was hesitant, which caused Hazel’s heart rate to pick up. “Answer me. What is his condition?”

                Forcius lowered his chin, keeping shy eye contact. “So far he has developed nothing life-threatening.” Seeing the relief in her expression, he spurted out the remainder of the news. “But King Adam did have an arrow accident. It was shot through his left hand. He is having the arrow removed at the moment.” Hazel stood in disbelief and shock, giving the guard time to continue. “He asks for your presence.”

Time's Pandemonium: Perrin (Book Two) (slow updates) Where stories live. Discover now