Where did you go...

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I woke up with a feeling that something was wrong. I sat up and saw no Maccready. 

"Agh..." I let out a groan then rushed my hands to my head, a massive headache hit me out of nowhere. I clenched my eyes trying to remember what happened last night. Like the headache, the thought of Hancock and what I did hit me out of nowhere too. 


Did Maccready find out? 

I guess there is only one way to find out.

I hopped out of bed and plastered my clothes onto my body. I got the sharpest pocket knife I had and stuffed it in my coat pocket. I put on one shoe and hopped on one foot trying to put on the other while halfway down the hotel hall. I skipped down the stairs, storming over to the Old Statehouse.

I skipped up the stairs to Hancock's room and burst through the doors.

I slammed the doors behind me waking Hancock up from his slumber. I got out the knife and flipped it open revealing a sharp clean knife.

"Listen here Asshole, you are going to tell me every single word you said to Maccready" I snarled

"Whoa, slow down darling. Come take a seat" Hancock said like there was no problem happening.

I walked over to the couch death gripping the knife with my hand. 

"Don't leave out a single detail, John Mcdonough" I lowered my voice at an attempt of trying to be intimidating. Hancock looked surprised when I called him Mcdonough but got equally as mad when he realized that I wasn't playing whatever games he was trying to pull.

"Fine you wanna know what I said?" 

I didn't respond as a hint to keep talking.

"I told him that you, Y/N L/N, was a liar" 

My furrowed eyebrows started to calm down as I heard the words come out of Hancock.

"I told your sweet Maccready that you took as many hits of Jet as you wanted and that you wouldn't listen to me when I told you to stop" 

I was more confused than mad at this point.

"Y-You pressured me to do it!" I shouted, I stood up from the couch and after some time of breathing heavily I stepped over the table and got on top of Hancock. I put the knife to his throat.

"Where is he!" I demanded as I pushed the knife deeper and deeper every second he didn't speak. 

Hancock spoke when he felt his blood dripping down his neck.

"Ask Daisy" was all he said.

"What the fuck is going to tell me?" I took away the knife from his throat.

"Maccready tells her everything, trust me"

That "trust me" left a bad taste in my mouth, how could I trust him after what he did.

I got off top of him and walked to the exit of his room.

"If you're telling me some fucked up lie prepare to retire from being mayor," I said with a smirk. He let out a dry laugh as closed the door behind me. 

I can't imagine how R.J feels right now, how I betrayed him by lying to his face. I furrowed my eyebrows as I was making my way to Daisy's Discounts. Why would he believe Hancock though, the ghoul is always high. Anger took over me but then sadness.

Why did he trust his word?

I arrived at Daisy's a few seconds later, the female ghoul looked at me with a smirk.

"He's around Bunker Hill, sweetheart" Daisy's raspy voice calmed my thoughts.

"Thank you" I muttered then I gave her a weak smile.

I guess I had to get used to being on the road alone again. Tear kept escaping my eyes with every step I took, I fucked up a lot of shit... But everything will be okay, right?...

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