Chapter 1

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I awoke to the sound of Hitler down stairs (my dad).  Him and his buddies by the sound were going off with poker,  and drinking beer.

I got up from the make shift bed that I have and got dressed.
Slipping on some black ripped jeans,  with a black long sleeve,  a beanie,  and my black high tops I was off to my mothers house.

Jumping out my window,  I landed on the ground with me knees slightly bent,  so my ankles didn't take all of the pressure from the jump. Kicking up the leaves,  and tarp on my skate board I was off to see Kash.

*Kash's POV*

The sound of my arm caused me to slam my skinny arms onto the clock its self,  causing it to fall.  I was about to drift back off when I remembered it is Monday.

"Crap" Yelping as I jumped out of bed,  and running to my closet.

I grabbed my pastel oversized hoodie,  leggings,  and some white high tops. Shoving them on,  running to the bath room to do my routine.  Then running down stairs to greet my mom,  and head in out side for my sister.

"Yo Kash let's go we're going to be late! " Felix spoke as she rolled by on her skate board.

I gave a quick alright and hop on my ripstick and followed her.

By the time we got to the school,  which isn't that long the bell was going to ring in 3 minutes.

"Shit. Hurry up Kash or Mr.  Moore is going to be pissed. " Felix is off running to her locker while I run to mine.

As I went to the class room I noticed my crush and best friend talking.

Hunter was talking to Daniel,  but as soon as Daniel saw me he said something to Hunter and came at me.
Hunter looked over this way for a second,  and then back at his group.

Felix slowly walked over to me and Daniel in the classroom  with Carson following her.

"Sup Dan,  and Kash" Carson spoke out.

"Hey" We both respond.

We all quickly sit down when the teacher got here,  but Felix just sat and rested her feet onto the desk in front of her.

"Ms. Skylar get your feet off the desk this instant! " Mr.  Moore rose his voice trying to scare her.

She merely shrugged her shoulders,  and did nothing.  I look up to my sister for this,  but the teacher on the other hand well.  You know how that goes,  well class went on and we were soon off to lunch after 4 horrible hours.

~during lunch~

As me and Daniel walk to the lunch room I notice Hunter walking towards us.

"Hey Daniel" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey,  Hunter you remember Kash,  right? " Daniel asked.

"Of course how could I forget about Kash. " His voice was filled with sarcasm.  A blush grew on my face,  and Felix came running from around the corner.

"Hey Kash,  bye Kash! " She yelled as she ran by Carson on her trail.

"Boss!!!  You'll pay!! "

I really do wonder why Carson calls her boss,  but whatever.  The whole time I was thinking I didn't notice Hunter was staring at my butt.

I heard a slapping sound,  and turned around  to see Hunter holding his cheek,  and Daniel looking angry.

Simply shrugging it off I head into he cafeteria,  and b-line straight to the line.  I walked over to get in line while Hunter and Daniel were having a heated conversation. I grabbed a tray getting a sandwich and pineapple, then went to sit down beside Felix with Carson on the other side of her.

Daniel and Hunter came over and sat with us.  Felix being the bomb ass bitch she is talked to Hunter while I took sideways glances at him, not noticing that Hunter was also staring at me.

" Hey faggots what are you doing with my boyfriend! "  the devil herself asked.

Ashley, big breasts, and a huge ego asked. This  is Hunter's girlfriend even though everytime they were together he would noticeably cringe.

" Hunter~ why are you sitting with these fags? " She whined trying to be cute.

"Ashley how many times do I have to tell you leave me alone when I am with my friends. Just so you notice I broke up with you this morning. " Hunter said in a frustrated voice.

"No you didn't!!!!" She squeaked out.

Me being the dumb person I am responded for him. "Why don't you go ask to suck some other guys dick. He obviously doesn't want you. " Snarling at the end.

"Y-you fag!!!! " She slaps me before running out if the lunch room.

I held my cheek while Carson and Danny (Daniel) started to freak out about my cheek, Felix went running after Ashley Hunter following her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Was all I heard before Felix came strolling in. She had a cut on her cheek but that was it.

"You okay Kas (Kash) ?!? " She asks, the only time she ever uses my nickname is when she is worried.

"I'm fine sis just a little sore. " Trying to reassure her.

She wiggled her head and started to examine me face. A low growl came from her before Hunter could come over and see me.

"If you take another step your balls are going to be gone in a second! " She warned, giving her a look of  'it wasn't his fault'  she sighed and let him check on me.

~time skippppp~

After school was over Felix took me home, and had a short dinner with us then Felix left not before giving me a hug.

*Felix's P. O. V~

After having dinner with Kash and mom and got back on my skate board and went to the ware house. Carson was there before me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek before we walked into the ware house.

The people in there gave me a single look before looking at the ground, and bowing slightly.

"Tonight mongrels we are going to be working on hand to hand combat we will be doing this in partners." My voice carried over them with authority.

Then the long night began, hey at least I have a thing for showing up late.

Hey guys author nim here 🦄

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter until next time byeeee~~


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