Naruto's Nindō

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We traversed the bridge for the last time, only to be met with the sight of all the workers unconscious. Probably. Of course, there was a figure stood in the middle of the bridge. Zabuza, but there was also a girl next to him.
"I'll take on Zabuza. Sakura, you protect Tazuna. Sasuke and Himari can go after the girl." Kakashi-sensei ordered. Naruto wasn't here because he was to tired.
"Hai." We all responded and got into our formations. Sasuke ran forward at the girl but when Zabuza attacked him, the girl blocked his attack.
"I want to do this my way." The girl said, and Zabuza nodded. Sasuke got back up and proceeded to spar with the girl, meanwhile I was performing hand signs. "Fire Style: Flame Bullet!" I shouted. One huge fireball escaped my mouth and headed towards the girl, who dodged it. I learned that if I do one fireball instead of multiple, it's power will be increased. Especially now I have my Nenshōgan. This startled her, which I took to my advantage, and I rushed towards her while unsealing my Katana. It cut her elbow a little but she backflipped and threw a senbon at my arm. Danm that hurts. Suddenly, mist started surrounding us and I heard Zabuza mutter a Jutsu in the distance.
The girl then did her Jutsu and some mirrors appeared around my and Sasuke. She then seemed to vanish into one of the mirrors and in an instant, appeared from another one and threw senbon at mine and Sasuke's backs.
"Sasuke, can we try melting the mirrors?" I suggested and we both began doing the same hand signs.
"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu" We both shouted together. Our Jutsu mixed with eachover and made one highly condensed fireball which hit a mirror. It made it melt a bit in the corners but didn't have much effect.
"Well, we cant melt it. Our only chance is to get her when she comes out from a mirror." Sasuke analysed. She appeared again from a mirror and was too fast for us to react, me and Sasuke ended up both on the floor and looking like a porcupine with senbon on our back. I thought it was the end, until...
"UZUMAKI NARUTO IS HERE!" Naruto shouted and jumped into the mirror room where me and Sasuke were. He looked at the girl.
"Huh? Aren't you that cross dressing guy, like Hiku or Huku... Haku!" Naruto said. Wait what? I observed Haku closet and noticed he was definitely a guy. Haku got quite agitated and rushed at Naruto, he tried to dodge but couldn't. He then made a tonne of Shadow Clones, but was no match to Haku's speed. Naruto was about to be hit by the senbon again, so I quickly did a Flame Bullet Jutsu to melt the senbon. My chakra was extremely low now, after using many Fire Styles, but I can't afford to lose consciousness once more. Just as Sasuke was about to be hit by senbon, Naruto used his body as a shield. An ominous orange chakra now surrounded him, and his eyes had turned red. I looked down at my hands, I was on the floor shaking. His presence was too much. Next, like a beast, he ran towards a mirror on all fours and smashed it. Hitting Haku out. Just as he was about to finish Haku off, Haku shunshined in front of Zabuza, who was about to die from Kakashi-sensei's Lightning Jutsu, and died in place of Zabuza. After that, laughing could be heard from behind us, and a short, fat man was there.
"Gato?" Zabuza shit his eyes towards the fat man. He was surrounded with Ninja Mercenaries.
"I was going to kill you both off after this, but it looks like I'm no longer needed." He laughed. Zabuza looked down at Haku's body, and then up at Gato. His eyes were full of mixed emotions. Grief, anger and sadness. Out of pure willpower, he moved his body and his arms flopped behind him. With a kunai in his mouth, he rushed through the crowd of Ninja, slitting their throats, until he eventually got to Gato and pushed him off the bridge. Finally, he crawled over and lay beside Haku. "I'm sorry." Was all he said before dying.

At Zabuza and Haku's Grave

"Why. Why did they have to die?" Naruto cried upon their gravestone.
"Naruto, you must understand this. Ninja are merely tools to be used, this is normal for the life cycle of a Ninja unfortunately." Kakashi-sensei coldly explained.
"When I become Hokage, I will change that. I never give up... I never go back on my word... thats my ninja way!" Naruto shouted. His Nindō Hmm, I like it.
(A/N: I hope that's the correct quote xD)

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⏰ Huling update: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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