Uzumaki Masacre

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I gazed upon the huge walls of the village ahead of me. Konoha was just a few more meters away, but I couldn't make it. Feeling more and more light headed by the minute, I eventually collapsed just outside the gate and see two guards run out to me before everything went black.

Flashback - 20 Minutes Ago. (In this fan-fic the Uzumaki wipeout didn't happen until now.)

"Mother, there are people outside the door. Should I let them in?" I asked, innocent to the events which were about to take place.
"No it's fine sweetheart, I will go answer the door just stay in here." Mother said as she smiled and walked towards the door. I sat there, in the kitchen, for a few minutes before I started getting worried. Why hasn't Mother came back yet? I thought as I made my way over, down the corridor. There they were, my mother and father, laid on the ground, a pool of blood and kunai beside them.
"Mother! Father!" I cried as I kneeled down and started shaking them. Father twitched a bit and looked up at me, and said "Himari... you need to leave... your mother and I are beyond saving... I can provide a distraction... head to Konoha... the old man will know.... what to do...".
"I can't leave you both Father!" I shouted as I was interrupted by him again.
"No! Listen to me... don't lose your life when we sacrificed everything to save it... your mother would want this too... now go!" He said as he coughed out blood and his head dropped to the ground.
"Father, I'm sorry." I mumbled as I ran away with tears streaming from my eyes. This is what he wanted, I must escape.

End of Flashback

When I came to, I was no longer outside the gates of Konoha, but rather laid on a hospital bed in a white room.
"Ah, you're awake." An old man smiled who was next to me.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"You are currently in a hospital in Konoha." The old man answered.
"I made it..." I sighed in relief, but then realisation hit me and tears cane out from my eyes once more.
"I don't know what you've been through, but I think you need some time alone. I will come check on you again soon." The old man gave me a sad look and headed out the room.

3rd Person POV

"Are you sure that's her, Hokage-sama?" A Jonin asked outside the hospital room.
"Yes, it must be with those Red hair and eyes. She looks just like Kyoko and Fujiro." The Hokage responded.
"What should we do, we just received word of the Annihilation of the Uzumaki clan, she is the last known survivor aside from Naruto." Another Jonin questioned.
"For now, we take her in the village. She was probably told to come here by Fujiro, and her last relative is here." Hiruzen sighed.
"But, Naruto... he does have that inside of him. Is it safe for her to be near him?" A Village Elder asked.
"Do not say such things. I assure you it will be fine, we can also have her enroll in the academy and attend the genin exam in two days time." The Hokage finished and the rest of the people present responded with "Hai!".

Himari's POV

After a while of waiting, my crying has now stopped and the old man came back into the room.
"Are you okay now? Would you like to tell me your name?" The old man asked
"Himari. Himari Uzu- Uzumaki." I responded as I looked down.
"Nice to meet you Himari-chan, I am Hiruzen, but more Commonly known as the 3rd Hokage." It's him! He's the person Father told me to find, I'm finally safe... I thought.
"What now?" I muttered under my breath.
"Well, how would you like to become a Ninja? The genin exams are in two days and I can get you in the Academy for it." The Hokage smiled.
"This is what my parents would want, so yes." I let out a small grin.
"Good. I also have a small surprise for you. Forgive me for asking this but, do you know of any survivors of the attack?" He questioned.
"No, everyone died." I mumbled.
"Ah, I see. Well, there is an Uzumaki living in this village and I believe you are actually cousins. His name is Naruto but do be careful, he is special." The Hokage warned. My eyes widened at the news, I wasn't alone!
"Where? Can I go meet him?" I hurriedly asked which made the Hokage sweat drop.
"Excuse me..." I said embarrassed.
"It's fine, you can meet him at the academy tomorrow. For now though, get some rest, you will need it."
"Hai Hokage-sama." I said and then he left the room. I should get some sleep.

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