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Something feels warm... I thought as I layed in by bed.
"TOO HOT!" I shouted and got out of my bed which was burning a bit where I was previously at. Did someone try to kill me? Not possible, the people who killed my family couldn't follow me into Konoha. I'll think about this later. I glanced towards the alarm clock which showed 6AM. That's two hours before the Academy starts, but I'm not tired enough to go back to sleep. I decided that I will go and buy my Ninja attire since today I will become a Genin.

Walking down the road, I passed by Sasuke, who was heading in the direction of the Academy. There's no way he goes there two hours early. I thought and continued my way to the General Ninja store. When I walked trough the door, I heard some bells jingle and received a "Welcome!" by the owner of the store. I proceeded to look around the place until I found the clothing area. There was an assortment of different coloured clothes, bandages and weapon holsters. After a while of looking, I found a nice looking cloak. It's not very girly but I don't care.

The other items I bought were some kunai and shuriken

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The other items I bought were some kunai and shuriken. I didn't get any bandages or holsters for kunai because they were all white and wouldn't help in hiding in the dark. One thing caught my attention at the back of the store though, it was a black Katana with some golden imprints on the holster. The blade was silver and it was apparently heat-resistant. I decided to also put it in a seal on my waist so that I could call it at will. After a painful purchase of 950 Ryo in total, I headed out the Ninja Shop and headed towards the Academy. To my surprise, there was still no-one here except Sasuke so I took my seat next to him again. The only thing he said was the famous Uchiha 'Hn'. While he was just staring out the window, I pulled out my Icha Icha Paradise book and began reading it, this was my 3rd time reading through it. I got lost in my book, and when I looked up I noticed most of the class had arrived. Two loud, annoying voices could be heard rushing down the corridor.

"SCREW YOU, SASUKE-KUN IS MINE!" Blonde-thot shouted back.
Then they realised I was sat next to Sasuke and both got angry.
"Himari, can you move? You don't deserve to be even in the prescience if Sasuke-kun." Pink-hair ordered. Jeez all I did was sit where I was yesterday.
"Ok, I'll go sit next to Naruto." I sighed and then got up. As I walked away though my hand was pulled and as I turned around, I saw Sasuke was the one pulling me.
"No, stay. You don't annoy me like the Fangirls, I'd rather have you sit here instead of them." Sasuke explained so I took back my seat which made the two fangirls speechless and extremely angry. Eventually Iruka-sensei came and explained to us the contents of the test. All we had to do was a simple Clone Jutsu, I should have no problem. Naruto in the other hand... I just hope he passes.

"Himari Uzumaki." Iruka-sensei called out my name and I wandered into the room of proctors. One was Iruka-sensei and the other was another Chunin called Mizuki. I performed the hand signs for a standard Clone Jutsu, and 3 clones appeared beside me.
"Good, you have passed the exam. Please pick up a headband." Iruka-sensei praises me and then I picked up the black headband and tied it around my left arm. Then I looked in the mirror in admiration of the Konoha symbol on me and walked out the room. My clones will disappear if I move away from them so it's fine. What I didn't know though was that my clones had burst into flames when I left, nearly hitting the proctors and causing the floor underneath to become a bit charred. The Hokage however, who was spying with his crystal ball, did see this.

As I walked out the room Naruto was called and I gave him a high-five as he went past me. A few minutes later, he returned looking a bit depressed and with no hitai-ate so I went up to him to comfort him. He just told me "Leave me alone." Coldly and went to sit on a swing. It's best not to talk to him in these situations so I headed back home and planted my head into my pillow.
I shouldn't have woken up so early, I'm so tired now. I thought and drifted off into sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter again, the next chapter will cover bell test and stuff so it should hopefully be longer.

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