Shopping with his little sister

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I woke up to an empty bed. I sat up and looked around. I was in my room and Patch was gone. I should have known. I looked at the clock by my bed. Late for school, glad I didn’t plan on going anyways. I heard noises in the living room and got up. I walked down the hall but stopped before I reached the corner. I looked down at myself and found myself in different clothes.

            I was wearing shorts instead of my jeans and a shirt instead of my tank top. My shoes were gone and my hair was in a pony tail. Patch, I though and glared. He changed me. Then tried to remember what underwear and bra I was wearing. I remembered they were cute and shrugged.

            I turned the corner and was greeted by a smile from Meg and a morning from Jack. I nodded. I heard noises in the kitchen and went to get a monster from my fridge. I walked into the kitchen and saw Patch cooking. He was at the stove with his back to me.

“Did you change my clothes last night?” I asked.

“You had a fever and I wanted to cool you down, so I thought changing you from jeans to shorts would help. Then your shirt had blood on it. It’s soaking in the bathroom sink; I’m trying to get the blood out of it”

“Oh” Was all I said.

“There’s a monster in the fridge for you, you were out so I went to the store and bought you one. But I want you to wait to drink it until you eat something”

I nodded but he had his back to me still. “Ok. Well, I came in here to yell at you for changing me but now I guess I can’t”

He smirked. “I had to open the window in your room to cool you down, but it started getting cold so I closed it. Plus by the time it got cold out, your fever was gone”

“Oh” Was all I said. “I guess the stress and crying could have caused it”

“It did”

I nodded.

“I guess what they say is true. If you don’t stop crying you’ll make yourself sick and you did”

I smirked. “Yeah”


            I looked up to Patch handing me out a plate. I took it and walked to the living room. I sat next to Jack on the couch and began to eat. Patch had made eggs, bacon and hash browns. Patch came into the living room and handed Jack and Meg each a plate. Meg smiled at him and Jack said thanks. Patch nodded and went back to the kitchen. I looked around the apartment and nothing seemed to be missing or out of place from leaving my door open all day yesterday.

            I looked down the hall towards my front door. The door that was in two pieces yesterday was perfect today. I looked at Patch and gave him a questioning look and he looked confused. I looked back at the door and back at him. He shrugged and smirked. I smiled and took a bit of hash browns.

“Oh Max” Jack said.

I looked over at him. “Yeah”

“Jessica called early. She wants to take you shopping. She said around three”

I looked at the clock. “Ok” I shrugged. “I guess”

            I also didn’t miss the way Megs eyes lightened some at the word shopping. I looked at Patch and he lifted his head as if he knew. I nodded my head towards the kitchen and we both got up. We walked into the kitchen and I set my now empty plate in the sink. Patch opened the fridge and pulled out two monsters. He turned and handed me one. I took it and sipped.

“The food was great thank you”

He shrugged. “Glad you liked it”

“I’d like to take Meg with us later to go shopping if that’s ok”

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