Will you stay with me?

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We drove back to my apartment and pulled into the parking lot. The police were cleaning up the mess they had made while investigating and the counter was washing away the blood that was still on the pavement.  I stopped and spun around; only to almost run into someone chest.

            I looked up at Patch and he looked over my shoulder. He frowned and looked back down at me. He took a step closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. The other wrapped around my waist and without thinking I wrapped mine around his waist and hugged him; tight.

“I’m going to walk and I want you to keep your face pressed into me, ok?”

I nodded.

            Patch kept his arms around me and I never lifted my head. We started walking and stopped at the stairs.

“Put your arms around my neck” Patch told me.

            I did as I was told and Patch lifted me at my hips. His hands slide to my thighs; holding me little kid style. He waited; maybe waiting for my response. I tilted my head and shoved my face into his neck. My arms around his neck tightened slightly and he started up the stairs. Jack and Meg following behind us.

            The door of my apartment was still open and Patch just walked in. I heard it close behind us but was half asleep. I lifted my head slightly and saw Patch walking down the hallway. He walked into my room and walked over to the bed. He laid me down and backed up a step. I let my arms drop on the bed and looked up at him. He looked down at me sadly.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done” I said quietly.

He shrugged. “You should get some sleep, it’s late anyways”

“What time is it?”

“Around seven but you’ve been through a lot today”

I nodded.

            I felt my eyes water again and covered my face with my hands.

“I’m pathetic aren’t I?” I asked with a chocked voice, a small sob escaping.

            I felt a dip in the bed and gently hands on my wrists; pulling my hands from my face. Patch looked down at me with sad eyes. He raised one hand and brushed the bangs from my eyes.

“No your not” He said softly. “Don’t ever say that about yourself”

“We just meet this morning in detention” I laughed softly. “And look at all the things you’ve done for me already”

He shrugged.

“If I were you I would get out now” I laughed softly again; trying to cheer myself up.

He looked down at me. “I don’t mind helping you”

I had been looking at his neck but at his words, looked up. “Why?”

He shrugged. “I really don’t know”

            We sat in silence for a couple moments before Patch released my wrists and stood.

“You should get some sleep”  

“I…” I stopped.

He looked over at me. “What?” He asked softly.

“I’m afraid to” I said and looked away. I didn’t mean to tell him, I was going to say nothing but that came out instead.

“Move over”

“What?” I looked up at Patch.

            He was standing beside the bed and made a move over motion with his hands. I did and he lay down next to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and tugged me to him. I laid across his chest and didn’t really know what to do. I didn’t except him to lay with me. He took his other hand and laid it on my head. He set my head on his chest and stroked my hair gently. The hand that was wrapped around my waist began drawing small circles on my back.

            My eyes became heavy and I closed them. I wrapped an arm around his waist from the front and snuggled my head into his chest a little before falling asleep. 

And here I thought happiness was extinctTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon