Chapter 5: Malfoy Manor

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If the writing is in this font it is the person (who's p.o.v)'s thoughts.

Hermione's p.o.v

When we landed in front of Malfoy Manor, I gasped. It was magnificent.
The walls were all black and some were even shiny. There was greens moss and vines of the top, and on the ground different colors and types of flowers. When we open the big black doors, straight ahead of us a white marble staircase, and beside it a big dining table that can fit over 20 people.

"Narcissa! Lucius! Draco! Theo! Come down!" yelled my mother. Theo!

"Mother, I never got the chance to ask you, but what's your name? And dad's name? And my real full name?" I ask my mom.

"Well, my name is Oliva Zabini and your father is Gregory Zabini. Your full name is Hermione Jem Zabini," my mother informs me just as a huge crowd of people enter the room.

"Is that-oh my goodness. Is she the Hermione that we lost?" Narcissa asked, shocked. My mother nodded. Narcissa came over and gave me a bone crushing hug, like the ones Mrs. Weasley gives you. But tighter.

Draco and Lucius were surprised.

"Cissy! Why are you hugging the mudblood? Lucius asks angrily.

" Yes, mother, why are you touching the filthy mudbood?" Draco asks, also angry and disgusted.

"Don't you dare call her a mudbood, mate," Blaise said, annoyed." she's my sister.

 A few seconds later Blaise joins us. This is my family, I thought. And I love them. I wave over to my mother and everyone else, and they all join us in the group hug. 

I love them. Yes, I love them.

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