Why does it suddenly matter what I want? Part 1

Start from the beginning

Laura felt like laughing and replying 'Ha, ha, no you're not', but she stopped herself. The 'Corie' thing really bothered her.

"Oh, a pleasure to meet you." A bigger pleasure would be to un-meet you and pretend you don't exist, Laura thought.

"Yeah, Corie talks a big deal about you. I'm almost jealous."

This is when Laura first though, he knows... maybe. "Ah, thanks. She talks about you, too."

Actually, she didn't talk that much about Elliot since there wasn't much to tell. They went out to have lunch or party every now and then so that paps could take pictures of them together and keep pretending they were a beautiful couple. But apart from 'He's a bit of a dick, kind of arrogant, a tiny bit immature', she didn't really say anything else.

"That's good news. She's in LA, right?"

"As far as I know... You'd probably know better than me though"

"After all, I'm her boyfriend... right?"

Alright, he definitely knows, she told herself. "Uhm, last time I checked, yeah."

"Great," he gave her a fake smile and added, "Anyway. It was awesome meeting you. Hope to see you soon!"

Then he left, and that was the end of that weird encounter. Kathy asked who he was and Laura gave her a vague response. Things didn't start until a week later when Laura and Kathy were giving an interview. They were answering questions in a famous radio broadcast in New York City that had already lasted 30 minutes or so. The questions were the usual. How does it feel to be playing Laura Spafford? How does it feel to work with the person playing you in a movie? Do you guys get along in real life? Are you guys similar in real life? Same old questions.

But then, halfway through the interview, someone tapped on the glass separating the cabin from the recording section. The person who'd tapped the glass asked one of the guys doing the interview to come outside so they could talk. Laura noticed and immediately got a bad feeling. The interviewer stepped back in and sat next to the other guy handing her a piece of paper. Kathy was in the middle of answering a question while the guy read the piece of paper. After finishing they smiled at each other and waited for Kathy to stop talking. Then, they looked directly at Laura.

"So, Laura. You were in a movie with amazing actress Coralen Lawton over ten years ago, right?"

What is this, Laura thought. "Uh, yeah... I don't understand how that's important to—"

The guy interrupted. "Can you please confirm if you guys had sex while you were still a minor?"

What. the. fuck. Holy crap. Laura was in shock. So was Kathy who turned to her and said, "Hey, guys, don't you think that's a bit out of boundaries?"

"You mean like Coralen was?" One of the guys said.

What the hell are you talking about?" Laura was finally able to formulate.

"Well, there's a recording going around on the internet of you saying that you were kinda dating while you were on the set of Pyjama's Children. Correct me if I'm wrong but at the time you were only fifteen and she was like, what? twenty-one? twenty-two?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Then, not happy with that, they started bombarding Laura with very inappropriate questions. "Was it consensual? Is Coralen a lesbian? Did she fuck you up? I mean, we're just looking out for you. She wouldn't be the first sexual predator in the industry, you know? We gotta put a lid on that. Let them know they can't get away with these kinds of things".

Laura felt like she was about to pass out. She stood up along with Kathy, they walked to the end of the halls and towards the exit. Once outside, she puked on the pavement. The last thing they needed was Laura getting on another scandal for puking on the pavement, even if that was a result of a panic attack, so Kathy took her jacket off and covered Laura so no one recognized her. They got into a cab and asked the driver to just keep going. 

As they kept driving, Laura pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked for it. There it was. Everywhere. It was the only thing anyone could talk about. Apparently, twenty minutes before that, a recording had leaked. A recording of her conversation with Colbie back when they were gathering information to make the movie. In that recording, Laura talked about everything and there was not much room for doubt.

"Oh, dear God," Kath murmured. "What now?"

"The hotel. We need to talk to Ivan. New famous lesson number one. This is why we pay our managers. To make this kind of shit not our problem. God, I need to call Coralen." Laura hadn't finished saying that sentence when her phone rang. It was her. "Len? God, I'm so sorry."

"What the hell's going on, Laura?! Tabloids are talking about me being a sexual predator. I mean... I mean... I didn't... Did?"


"Hurt you..."

"What? Of course not! Listen to me. I don't know who the hell did this but I promise, I swear... we're gonna figure this out, okay?"

"Alright, I'm grabbing the first flight to NYC. I can't be in LA right now and I need to see you."

"Of course. I'll be at the hotel sorting everything out. It'll be fine. I promise."

"Okay. I believe you, but... God, how did this happen?"

That was the million dollar question, and Laura was going to turn every rock to find out how this happened.

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