Chapter 23

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The sparring room was rather plain looking, a wooden floor and a few racks with practice weapons. The size of it was decent, like a small gym at a school. Unbeknownst to Wilfred, up on the second floor was a small window that lead directly into the guild master's office who would be watching this fight with interest.

Alcot went up to the rack and selected a large war hammer. Thankfully the tip of it was made of wood but it still looked like it would hurt quite a bit.

"Oh boy, are you ready to get your teeth knocked out kid?"

Alcot stretched a bit, practicing his swing and getting his legs worked up.

I can't wait to wipe that smirk off your face you bearded freak. But Wilfred's only thought that, he did not speak it out loud, instead he smiled and bowed, inviting Alcot to take position at the other end of the room. Judging by stats, he would be fast but not unreasonably so.

"To make it fair kid, you can use your defensive magic beforehand if you know some. I'll also abstain from aiming for your head, ha!"

Wilfred nodded acceptance and cast his spells.

"[Barrier]! [Wind Aura]!"

Naturally, this shocked the adventurers, they had not expected him to be able to use more than 1 or 2 spells.

Halam spoke to both of them.

"I will count down from 5. When I get to 0, you may begin. Understood?"

Both nodded their understanding and readied themselves.


Alcot rushed forward with a charge, putting momentum behind his weight. If he crashed into Wilfred it would spell pain and likely knock him down, a single swing of that war hammer at that time would crush Wilfred into the floor.

Wilfred on his side of the sparring room was already casting Wind Blade. No matter where an opponent would be in this room, he would be in the spell's range unlike when he fought outside. His best hope, if he was to win this without using his artifact weapon, would be to cast so many Wind Blades that Alcot would be forced on the defensive.

"[Wind Blade]![Wind Blade]![Wind Blade]!"

Wilfred stood still for the first three and aimed them straight down at Alcot who was running towards him with his war hammer held back, ready to swing as soon as he got within range. The first Wind Blade reached him when he was within 25 feet of Wilfred. It hit him square in the chest but did not cut him open like that bully's leg. It did however, exert some force and Wilfred did see Alcot grimace and grind his teeth. The second Wind Blade struck at the same place as the first one and Alcot's heavy metal armor partially ripped open, exposing chain-mail underneath.

What the fuck! This guy's like a tank, how does he walk around with hundreds of pounds of equipment like that!

Realizing at last the power of Wilfred's spell, Alcot had no choice but to dodge to the right, jumping out of the way of the third Wind Blade and losing distance on Wilfred who was now on the move, circling around and unleashing more as he went kept distance between the two of them.

"That little fucker! Argh! I can't believe he's going to make me use my abilities! [Iron Skin]!"

A subtle hue began to glow around Alcot, a shimmering white light wavered back and forth around his figure. The Wind Blades that Wilfred had just cast at that time crashed harmlessly on his back.

How long can he keep it up for Wilfred thought? At this point, if i was a regular academy student I'd have long been out of Mana. Wilfred kept the barrage of Wind Blades going, hoping to wither down his opponent who simply shrugged them off.

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