Chapter 19 Five Years Later

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"Richard and Daichi Woods, stop chewing on the beads!" Ivy sighed, placing her hands on her hips as she tried her best to do the impossible.

To make two werewolf pups behave and to save her beaded curtains from ruin.

Her eldest pup, Richard, looked up at her with his beautiful bubble eyes. Eyes that were as green as the forest he loved to run wild in. His panther black tail wagged in all its velvety glory. He was an adorable little fluffball full of mischief and he knew it. "Mom, we were just practicing our pouncing."

Of course, Daichi as always was ready, willing, and able to defend his identical twin brother at the slightest moment's notice. "Exactly. Papa says pouncing skills are very important."

Daichi was such a sweet pup. Most of the time. The only time he got into trouble was when he allowed his older brother to lead him muzzle first into trouble.

Ivy's only saving grace was that in wolf form, Daichi had inherited her fluffy fur and Richard took after Kenji. Velvet was the name of the game when it came to that pup's coat texture. Little things like that made it easier to tell the two apart in their animal forms.

"He's right." A familiar tropical scent drifted into the room as the kaleidoscope of colorful beads parted. "I did say that, but I never told them to practice on your beads. You've had these things for years. Don't you think it's time to trade them in for the cauldron?" Kenji's eyes danced with mirth as he closed the distance between them with ease. Reminding her of the reason why all those years ago, she once dubbed him Mr. Graceful inside the privacy of her own mind.

Ivy shook her head and wrapped her arms around her Mate's neck, kissing his cheek. "The beads stay. They're a trademark. So is the crystal ball, but you're never getting that cauldron. It's still tacky."

"Gross. Kissy kissy." Richard scoffed as glanced up at his father. "So does this mean we're going on a run?" His disdain for all things romantic vanished at the thought of running with his pack.

Probably because he was eager to run with his idol, Jack.

Yes, Jack and his family were still valued members of the pack. Thank the Moon that the teenager was beginning to settle down. His excess energy was now being channeled into becoming the best future Alpha he could be. At thirteen, Jack was more interested in impressing pretty she-wolves with his swift shifting and passing Algebra than in getting into trouble.

"Yes, that's exactly what it means." Kenji laughed as their sons' tails both wagged so hard it was a miracle they didn't fall off. "Besides, we've got a lot to celebrate. I was promoted to Head Veterinarian at the zoo."

Ivy beamed and kissed him. "That's wonderful news. Between that and the Halloween coming up, that means we'll be able to take the entire family to Disneyworld."

After all, Halloween was to the fortune telling business what Christmas was to retail stores.

"Did someone say Disneyworld?" A snowy white wolf darted into the room. "Oh wonderful. I can't wait to see that big castle that they always show on tv. I've wanted to go there since I was a pup. Oh, and you slowpokes need to hurry up. Penelope just called. The entire pack is waiting for us."

"Alright. Alright. We're coming." Ivy smiled as she and Kenji got down on their hands and knees. It was time to transform. "This shouldn't take more than a minute or two and then we'll join the rest of the pack."


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