Chapter 5 : Bittersweet

Start from the beginning

More smoke emits from the grand castle he has been calling his home for several millennia now. With a single snap of the neck, Karl drops the hunter to the floor. Quickly walking back to his home.

It's obvious that the hunters had planned to make him either choose between either wives or obliterate all the vampires while the party was still going strong. They didn't expect Liana's strong desire to save everyone before her own life. If anything she is one of the most selfless people Karl has taken a liking to. Perhaps that is why Liana never ceases to amaze him. Time after time again, when he thinks the human woman is going to give up, she bounces three times as hard back.

Perhaps it is her pride not to give in to the bullying of the aristocracy.

Perhaps it is her pride not to give in to the bullying of the aristocracy

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"Hold on, Christa, Liana. I'm almost there"

Like a whisper brought forward with the wind, the women stand still while finding the exit. Fate has them brought together one more time while frantically looking for a way out. The several smaller explosions made sure many exits have been blocked of. Getting rid of all the rubble would cost precious time. Time neither women have at the moment.

"That idiot why did he come back." Liana whispers, amidst of changing into more suitable clothing for running, she can feel Karl's aura closing in to the castle. 

"Here I am trying to save his sorry arse. Then again perhaps it is a good thing. My gut somehow won't leave me alone. Christa is probably still inside as well."

For the time needed to go from the most upper tower chamber to the front door will take time. Sure, the noble vampire woman can easily teleport. No, perhaps at this moment in time that might be an impossible task. Liana has experienced several times when Christa would fall into despair.

The maid who is with her will have to calm her down perhaps a countless times before they finally are at a level they can escape. Closing her eyes a little bit, Liana's prays quickly that Christa didn't break down and is already outside. running to the others.

Throwing her dress on the floor, Liana finally makes a run for it, opening all the doors she comes across, yelling through the hallways in the case a maid or other servant is left behind.

When she reaches the second floor, she is shocked to see Christa and her maid still inside. 

'Fuck' she curses mentally. 

Her heart is pounding against her chest. The smoke and all the running have taken a toll on her body. Biting her lips she tries to fight back to excruciating pain. Coughing a couple times, her knees give in to the pain for a moment. Her vision becomes blurry.


Upon hearing her name, the clacks of high heels urge closer to her. Both the maid and Christa help the human woman back up.

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