Chapter 4: Rage

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A/N: The Yui sprites are drawn by me, if anyone wants to use it for their own couple blog etc. Leave a message I'll leave a link to the download link. Just make sure you credit me for the sprites and we cool ouob

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With Karl now heading back to Eden Castle, the guests are now focusing their attention to the oldest Heir of the King. Shu does his best to keep a calm posture all while knowing what is happening back in the castle. There is however, still one person he is curious about.

Yui, she was according to his sister, one of the victims during the assault. Shu knows she is here. Her scent lingers in the cold evening. If he can't find her, it isn't a big problem for he can smell the founders too. A rich scent he still has a great disdain towards to.

They have taken a prey that officially belonged to the Sakamakis, after all she came to them first. How is it that she is now with the Tsukinamis? Either way, the reason might be even more troublesome to think about now. Shu's priority at the moment is to make sure the fireworks event will continue as planned.

However, if he is completely honest he just wants to kill the people that caused his sister to break down to the brink of tears. Only him and his brothers are allowed to make her cry and then it isn't even for the sake of hurting her, more for the sake of teasing her.

Dear God, if you can hear me right now, please hear my prayer. Let Liana-san be safe. Let Shin-kun and Carla-san notice something is wrong before I am thrown back into a darkness I do not wish to see so soon. Please, don't let the Hunter Association win this battle.

"You, to whom are you even praying to? There is no God here

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"You, to whom are you even praying to? There is no God here." Carla breaks Yui's focus when he sees her kneeling on her floor with her hands clasped together

"Carla-san... I...I was just...."

"It stinks... Something is up. Even that Karl Heinz just up and went back, leaving that Neet in charge, the heck is he even thinking." Shin wags his tail angrily, his gut feeling is sending all sorts of alarm bells

"Hmpf, a trap most likely. You, tell us everything you know! Right now!" Carla brushes his bangs behind, with one stern glance he focuses on the female kneeling on the ground.

Yui holds her left arm, trembling, knowing full well the Association even installed a microphone inside of her. They weren't too sure if she had given herself to the demons of the Netherrealm, but they could smell she has been with dark magic for a good amount of time. Perhaps the fact she is Seiji's daughter might have saved her from some of the abuse and torture.

Yui can still see the images of how Liana protected her. How her blood splattered on Yui's face. How she kept on smiling to the others while she was nearly broken.

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