Then Go Get Her

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Cassian was the only Illyrian in the entire camp who dragged my sorry ass inside, my muscles having given out in their feeble attempt to push out of the mud as soon as Feyre disappeared. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as Cassian somehow got me inside and dumped me on the floor. The brief vision that met me wasn’t pretty.

He closed the door and looked at me as I shuffled to adjust. My bones and muscles felt like they were breaking one by one, screaming with so much residual pain.

Cassian bent over, and hissed. “What the fuck happened out there?” I barked out a cry when he bent up one side of my wings, inspecting the wounds that had looked grey-green in the mirror beneath the dried blood. “Rhys-”

“Don’t make me say it.”

He let go and squared me up. “What the fuck happened?”

“If you need me to say ‘please,’ I will.”

“Rhysand,” and it was my brother holding my shoulders tight, concern lacing his eyes. My wing was sore where he’d held it, but... I was glad someone had.

“The fucking Suriel told her we were mates - that’s what happened, Cassian,” I spat out. “Right after a band of Hybern’s swine shot me out of the sky because I was too preoccupied with the idea of fucking Feyre in the middle of the forest to notice they were there.”


“Yes shit,” I shouted - practically screamed. An endless torrent of pent up male aggression pounding out of me. Cassian did not back so much as an inch away, almost expecting it.  “Fucking shit, shit, and more shit - all of it and-”

Movement shifted behind us, the door opening. Morrigan appeared and ran right to me, not expecting the rough fistful of her blouse that I snatched. Blood roared in my ears.

“ You .”

“Rhys,” she said and took a steadying breath.

“You know where she is.” I tugged on the fabric, holding back enough not to hurt. I wouldn’t be that male. Not to her. “Where did you take her?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

My fingers tightened. My soul tightened. “Yes you-”

Cassian’s hand shot out to my wrist - just in case. With mate bonds, all bets were off. But Mor’s soft fingers brushed him away and he relented. “She is safe, cousin,” she said, just... holding my hand. “She is fine. A little shook up and confused, but she is fine and before you can ever so much as think it,” she added, when my lips snapped opened again, “your mate does not hate you.”

My chest rose and fell in huge waves. It was like being shot out of the sky all over again. “She... she doesn’t?”

“No.” Mor shook her head. “I think, quite the contrary in fact.” And then, she gave me that smile - small and sweet and reassuring. My hand slackened, releasing her blouse. She didn’t seem to care save for the wrinkles left behind.

“I’m not telling you where she is. Even Cassian will admit you’re smart enough to figure it out for yourself.” My brother snorted. “She just needs some time. And you...” Mor ran her fingers over my brow, pushing back the hair and biting her lip. Her face was a hard line taking in the rest of me. “You need a bath. And a healer.”

“Don’t bother - with the healer.” They both looked ready to protest. “Feyre’s blood already healed me. It seems the High Lord of Dawn gifted her more than just the sun. All that’s left to do is wait it out.” And pray it stopped hurting like hell for more than a few seconds.

Acotar and Tog [Discontinued, Will be deleted]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora