QoS Chapter 28 Rowan pov

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Her weight in his arms was a comfort he had not expected. But was she... shaking?

"How did you get here? How did you find me?" She asks, and Rowan knew that there would be no avoiding this conversation, but for now, he didn't want to have to face the shame of obeying an order.

"You made it clear my kind would not be welcome on your continent. So I stowed away on a ship. You'd mentioned a home in the slums so when I arrived this evening I wandered until I picked your sent" Easier said then done, the putrid scent of this city was one that might forever be ingrained in brain. The shit he can smell, the noxious odor of the illicit substances that are all to common in this city, and worst of all the rancid blood of the valg. But for now he focuses on Aelin. Pulling her back so he can see more of her, noting the new scars. "You have a lot to tell me," He said and she simply nodded. "But you're not hurt" Relief filled him at the implications of those words. "You're safe?" He asks, needing confirmation. She nodded once again. Pulling her face closer to him, almost burying it into his chest.

"I thought I gave you an order to stay in Wendlyn." He could feel the words in his chest. It made him subconsciously bring himself closer, wanting to smell that delectable scent of hers once again.

"I had my reasons, best spoken somewhere secure. Your friends at the fortress say hello by the way. I think they miss having an extra scullery maid. Especially Luca- especially in the morning." He tries to change the subject, and judging by the laugh that escapes her, it works. She squeezes Rowan once more, and he realizes something. "Why are you crying?" He wants to search her face again, but her grip doesn't relent.

"I'm crying" She sniffs "Because you smell so rutting bad my eyes are watering"

Rowan laughed, something he hadn't done since she left, and it felt good. "Bathing isn't an option for a stowaway" He said and flicked her nose as they break apart. "Are you just going to make them stand there all night?" He asks referring to her companions.

"Since when are you a stickler for manners?" She asks. But she surprises him by sliding an arm around his waist, he places his along her shoulders, savoring the muscle he can feel under the leather suit she wears. And they turn to face the others. His eyes immediately go to the male. His brain frantically trying to decide if he is a threat to his queen. But the male turns and meets his eyes. And Rowan instantly knows who he is. Aedion Ashryver, Aelin's cousin. And if his scent was any indication Gavriels son. Aedion's eyes blaze with a silent challenge, that Rowan does not backdown from. He doesn't break his stare as they step closer. That is until Aelin squeezes Rowan's side shocking him enough that Rowan hiss's and pinches her shoulder.

"Let's go inside" She says. The woman who had retreated slightly steps up.

"I'll see you guys later" The woman says before turning away and retreating into the slums. And Rowan can see that Aelin debates calling her back, but eventually decides against its as her cousin leads them to where Aelin must live. Rowan savors the feeling of Aelin under his arm the entire walk. They pull up at a warehouse that Rowan quickly surveys before stepping aside to let aelin through, he momentarily debates making a comment along the lines of 'ladies first' but knows he made the smart move to stay silent when Aelin grabs his hand and leads him up the stairs. Rowan can't help but feel a jolt in his heart when she touches him. They enter a lavish apartment and Rowan quickly marks the entrances and exits along with how he would react if someone gained entry. The male stood by the fireplace with his hood still on, standing as if he thought Rowan might attack. Aelin kept walking though, calling to him over her shoulder.

"Aedion, meet Rowan. Rowan, meet Aedion. His Highness needs a bath or I'll vomit if I have to sit next to him for more than a minute" And with that she dragged him into her bedroom, of all places, and closing the door behind her.

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