Chapter 10

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This was not going well. Granted, this could be a lot worse. Nothing was on fire or broken, no one had murdered each other yet, and talk about my life just barely tipped over to disdain.

But not twenty minutes after they arrived did Amelia yell at Layla, causing her to cry out and run to me. The reason? Apparently it had started to drizzle outside and Layla wanted to look out the window. But she didn't know how to ask so she just pointed to the window and said ‘please’ over and over.

And yes, I yelled right back at the bitch after helping my sweet girl see the rain myself.

I had retreated to the kitchen afterwards. Poor Layla was shaking so much she didn't say a word as I comforted her. A few minutes after that the food came. Sweet Layla wanted to help me carry it inside, so I handed her the bag with the dessert in it.

Amelia's oldest child helped set the table while the youngest tried to grab Layla from my arms. ‘Tried’ being following me around and reaching for her. Adamantly, I refused to let the two year old even touch my pet.

Dinner was silent at first. Layla didn't seem to want to go in her high chair, but I soothed her quickly. Even gave her a bit of pasta as a treat.

A small conversation started up. My father was asking me what I planned to do with Layla once my break was over. Which reminded me, I need to start taking Layla to my workplace so that she could adjust faster.

My eyes flit over to my pet at the sound of a sigh. I see that she's eaten all but seven pellets, and I smile at her.

“All done?”

She nods. “All done.”

My smile grows wider. Layla had barely spoken since the incident earlier. I wanted to make sure she didn't fade again.

With a praise I take her bowl and empty the rest into a napkin. Then I fill her tiny bowl almost to the brim with pasta. Her face lights up. Before she can dig in, I stop her and raise a brow expectantly. The way her eyebrows furrow as she thinks is just the most adorable thing.

“Thank you, Alistair.”

I grin. “You're very welcome, Layla.”

I could feel Amelia's gaze on me. Probably a confused and judgemental one, but I'll ignore her until she speaks to me directly.


I look up from my meal to look at Amelia's oldest, Tyler. Not surprising. He always was a well behaved kid. What was surprising is how hard he was looking at my pet.

“How do you get her to eat her food?”

“Well…” I pause for a moment. I guess it was odd, now that I think about it. It's been barely a week but already Layla is eating her kibble, following commands, and actively communicating. Most wild caught humans took months at least to even pick up their first word.

I decide to answer truthfully.

“I let her know from the start that after she finishes her food, she can have some of mine.” Layla's eyes meet mine, and I smile and brush some of her soft mane behind her ear. “I'm patient with her.”


I glance at Tyler strangely, relaxing when he rushes to explain.

“M-My friend, he got a wild human and he's having a hard time with him. And you've got Layla all tame so I thought…”

Guiding Layla's eyes back to her food, I hum. “I clean her, but she gets to clean her reproductive organs herself. After I gave her clothes she seemed to trust me more.” I pause, then sigh and start unstrapping Layla from her high chair. “The fact that I let her keep her name probably helped too.”

As expected, there's a clatter. Amelia had dropped her fork in shock. My lips are tight in a line when I turn to her after setting Layla on her feet.


There's rage in her eyes. Probably due to the fact that if she says something I'll kick her out. So she simmers, visibly gritting her teeth and picking her fork off the table and setting it on her now empty plate.

“Not at all.”

I barely hold back my smirk. “Now then. If everybody's done I'll clean up. Tyler, go pick out a movie?”


It sucks that I don't know what they were saying about me. It was too much effort to try and decipher it when all I could pick up were words like ‘clothes’ and ‘food’.

I stick close to Alistair. After the scene with that woman he didn't seem to keen on me being far, either. I noticed that he never once called her Mom….maybe she was the step mom? Either way, she doesn't like me and I don't like her.

It was boring just sitting around...and the only little giant kept trying to get to me, so I helped as much as I could. Guess they have delivery here, too. Everything seemed to be the same here as on Earth, just more advanced and slightly alien.

Now they’re fiddling with the TV. I'm calling it a TV until I know their word for it. Alistair ‘showed’ me how to dry dishes and set me on the counter to do just that. I found that I liked doing it. It just felt so normal to be doing something mundane….despite the fact that the dishes were twice as big as they were supposed to be.

After all the dishes were done, Alistair tried to dry my hands. When I simply grabbed the napkin from him and dried them myself, he smiled and praised me. His arms snake under mine and, instead of setting me down, carries me to the living room. Everyone was gathered on the couches. The kid, the chick, and Alistair's dad to one, and the older one on the other. Alistair sat at the free corner, leaving me in the middle.

Right now there was something playing on the screen. I can't tell if it was a show or a movie but it was clearly animated.

I didn't know where to place the older one. The kid and the woman were to be avoided, Alistair's dad was dismissive yet grew frustrated when I didn't understand his commands. But this one…

When he mentioned me before my head had snapped up. But Alistair looked relaxed so I ignored him….for the most part.

I guess I was starting at the other giant for too long, because there was a tap on my shoulder. With a start I look up, flushing just slightly at Alistair's smiling face. He points and murmurs.


I turn to the other giant slowly, only to find him looking at me. “Ty...ler…. Tyler.”

Judging from the lack of laughter, I got the name right.

Their voices rumble over me. I can't understand any of it. I probably look clueless, since Alistair speaks slowly and with emphasis.

“Tyler, good. Friend.”

I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. Still, this kid looks so hopeful, like he'll be heartbroken if I turn away. So I nod and sigh under my breath.

“Good boy. Friend.”

I am so sorry about the long wait. School has not been kind to me. Unfortunately it may or may not be a while before the next chapter. I will try to get another one up soon, though! Thank you so much for reading and for all your patience. And thank you to those of you who always comment and keep the motivation going!

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