Chapter 3

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My mind goes blank, and by the time I come to I'm standing with the giant in front of a display. The giant is kneeling again, looking at me with concerned eyes.

He's asking me a question. At the blank look I give him, he makes that cooing noise and rests his free hand on my cheek. I'm surprised I don't flinch.

Maybe I'm still reeling from that shock that I was just sold like an animal.

He gestures for me to look around, and I do. The aisle is long. On either side of me are supplies. Collars, toys, what looks to be a jail on sticks... I start shaking again.

With a shaky breath, I turn to the display in front of me. It's full of clothes.

Now I understand. He's asking me what clothes I want.

I choose what looks comfortable and least embarrassing. There's a lot to choose from considering that they kept us naked. The giant only lets me pick out five sets of clothes, despite me planting my feet in an effort to stay. It only takes a slight tugging to get me to stumble along.

I hope that he'll walk past the collars when I keep my head down. But after a while of me not showing interest no matter what, he sighs and grabs one anyway, putting it into his cart that towers over me.

I'm confused when he stops in front of the toy section. Different plushes line are piled in the bins, while boxes hang on the wall. Some hold dolls, others hold blocks and various fiddle toys.

Nothing really interested me besides some of the toys. But as we were walking down once again, something caught my eye. I tug the giant's shirt with a small whine.


To be honest, I was surprised at how calm the human was being. Although she seemed sad, a bit lost in her own world, she had yet to lash out like any other human would.

I'm glad to say that was still the case right now. She had picked out a few toys, surprised that I had offered her the choice. A canine stuffed animal was also grabbed, as well as a feline. A wolf and a cat, if I wasn't mistaken. Thinking that she was done, and that I should really get her home, I started to tug her along when all of a sudden I felt a pull at my shirt.

I don't know why I was scared, or why I felt relief when all she did was point to a grey toy hanging from one of the higher hooks. I can't help but look at her, confused on the pleading look she gives me.

It's easy to reach up and pluck the toy from its hook. I haven't even had her for twenty minutes and already she has me wrapped around her little finger.

I kneel, wiggling the toy. "This one?"

I'm not sure she understands what I mean. But she points to the toy in my hand and gives me a pleading noise. With a smile I put it in the cart after reading the tag. I look over my items. I wasn't surprised that she didn't want a collar. Wild humans just weren't used to this the way domestic humans were. I had picked out a comfortable looking set. Maybe next time I'll get her a harness as well.

I pretend not to notice her dismay as I pick up the crib. She would come to appreciate it. Our days were twice as long as theirs, so they need at least one nap to function properly. A sleepy human was prone to act irrationally, either by crying or by lashing out.

Guessing that the items I had were enough for now, I head around to the counter. The cashier greets me with a warm smile, which I return. I pay for the collar set first, my human staring at the machine in caution as the tag is engraved. She puts up a small fight as I go to put it on her, but it's all too easy to hold her in place with a single arm. One collar goes around her neck, the smaller one around her wrist. She picks at it, but as long as she doesn't pull her skin I don't mind. It's not like she can take it off anyway. Then I remember.

"Ah, do you guys do microchipping?"

The cashier nods. "For humans, yes. All other animals need to be microchipped at your vet."

I hum in thought. "Is there a time available tomorrow?"

By this time she was done scanning my items, and I had paid. I waited patiently for her to pull up the list.

"We do have an opening at two tomorrow. Would you like me to book you?"

"Yes, please. Thank you." I smile down at my human, who is looking around timidly.

I have to keep a tight grip on her hand on the way to the car. She didn't try to run, and for being such a good girl I let her cuddle her koala plush on the way home. I couldn't help but steal glances at her, she was just so cute in her car seat.

I decide to put everything in the house first before bringing my human in and locking the door behind me. After tossing the plushes and clothes into the washer, I kneel in front of my human and point to myself. It was time for an introduction.


She looks confused. So with a smile, I tap a finger against her lips, then back at me. "Al-lis-stair."

It takes her a while to get the pronunciation, but when she gets it I pat her gently on the head.

"Good girl." I point to her. "Cora."

Immediately her face scrunches up. I try again.


This time she shakes her head. "Layla."

I sigh. Changing a wild human's name would better help them adjust to their new life. I could not have her fighting me on this. Figures that the first time she actually talks to me is when she's fighting me on something.

Not that I had expected anything else.



My jaw sets. She can tell I'm angry. Why won't she back down?

"No, Cora."


"No. Cora."

"No! Layla!"

And that's enough to shock me into silence.

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