At April 15, 2026, Aggie just started to study about the RMS Titanic. She's been studying about the ship's structure, route, maiden voyage, cause of sinking, the sinking, the people onboard, the survivors, the non-survivors, and the wreck into the Atlantic Ocean. Secretly, she studied 2 favorite people died in the ship were Captain Edward Smith, the Titanic's captain, and Thomas Andrews, the shipbuilder of the Titanic. She also studied the crews, Henry Wilde, William Murdoch, James Moody and others, and popular survivors, like Molly Brown, Bruce Ismay, etc.

After studying every detail of the Titanic, Aggie felt sad and guilty for the people who died there and for the ship that sank on her maiden voyage. She only wished that she and her team would be there to save the ship... or would they? This gave Aggie an idea. She rushed to the I Team HQ, just under her house, and pushed a button to alarm all I Team members in every group and every division. Most of the members, especially the Honorary and Back-up divisions, stayed in their respective home worlds, and some, mainly the Main division stayed in the HQ. Luckily for Aggie, she installed every alarm in every I Team HQ in the universe to call all members for meetings and emergencies.

The members of the Main division got out of their respective rooms, many green portals suddenly opened in the air and the members of Honorary and Back-up divisions came out. All members gathered around in the meeting room, and sat on their chairs (some are big and some are small) with a giant table that shaped like a letter "I", which represented the team.

When every member is here, Aggie flew down to the meeting room to meet up with her friends, "Great! You're all here. Thank you all for coming."

"What is it now, Aggie?" Sherlock Gnomes asked.

"Yeah, we're quite busy at the hotel," Mavis added.

"I'm sorry to interrupted your business, you guys, but I called you here for an emergency," Aggie walked around the room with hands behind her back. "Have you ever heard of the ship, Titanic?"

"Well, yeah, we heard of it," Blossom replied.

"We definitely do," Oggy answered.

"We have Titanic back in our home world," McQueen remembered.

Twilight Sparkle protested, "Well, most of you did, but we didn't. Not in Equestria."

"So do we," Papa Smurf added.

"Yeah. What is Titanic anyway?" asked Tinkerbell.

Aggie showed the picture of the Titanic in a projector, "Titanic, everyone, is an ocean liner or maybe cruise ship. It is known to be the biggest unsinkable cruise ship ever or in the history."

"Wow, that's so cool!" Captain Jake commented.

"Now I wish we could sail with that ship," Jake's guardian, Jape, wished.

Aggie then changed her mood to sadness as she moved to the next slide with a picture of the Titanic sinking, "However, it is also known of her sinking."

"But, you said that ship is unsinkable," Tankerblush, Tinkerbell's guardian, said.

"You may say it's unsinkable, you may think it's unsinkable, even according to the shipbuilder, Thomas Andrews, that Titanic is unsinkable, but we all know that there's no such thing as unsinkable ships," said Aggie.

"You know that's true," Skipper, the penguin second-in-command, agreed. "Every ship can sink."

"That's right, Skip. This ship sank during her maiden voyage, her first trip."

"How is that possible?" questioned Matilda.

Aggie used her wand staff, her family heirloom, to point the picture of the ship and iceberg , "You see here, Matilda, the Titanic struck a giant iceberg, even if the crew tried to avoid it. The iceberg punched a hole on the ship's starboard, letting water in, and caused it to rise in every deck."

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