Chapter 17

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I went back to the kitchen and fell into the seat. I sat there staring a spot on the table, wondering what had just happened when Dean's voice suddenly brought me back to the present. "So... Anyone else as scared as I am about that?"

"Yeah... This is a first for me. I don't have any idea how to handle this." Ginny said, finishing with her hands in a surrender position.

"I don't think anyone knows what to do in this position." Dean said, only half joking.

"I figured she would be mad. Even if she didn't yell at me, but just... something." I said looking up at Ginny, "I don't know how to take a Mrs. Weasley like this. I know her to be overbearingly loving or yelling at someone... this... this is a weird thing. Should... should I go see her? Give her time? What should I do?" I was starting to get a little worried, and I know they could all tell.

"I think maybe give her a couple days before you go and see her. Maybe let her get used to you being here being... well... alive and well. But I make no guarantees on what she will do once she has come to terms. You may end up under house arrest until she is sure that you aren't going to run off again." Ginny said. I sighed but knew I couldn't complain; this was my own fault.

I got up and walked out of the kitchen, I walked up to my room and grabbed my purse and shoes, I paused in the door way and turned to look at my wand siting on my bedside table. I took a breath and put it in my purse before walking down stairs. "Ginny, did you want to go for that coffee now? I want to show you something on the way." I say with a smile as I put on my shoes and grab my coat. Ginny jumps up and gives Dean a quick kiss before all but pulling me out the front door, laughing I call out bye as the door slams behind us.

Ginny puts her arm through mine and catches me up on what everyone has been doing since I left; Luna ended up with Neville, Fred and George had married Angelina and Alicia, respectively. Oliver was still playing professional quidditch, but he had married Katie. Ginny herself had finished her NEWTs independently, as did a lot of people, before trying out for the Harpies, she was a reserve player, but after leaving Harry she had become the reserve for the reserve and spent most her time writing the sports articles for the Daily Profit, that apparently Harry bought out and fired Rita from as well as a few other almost immediately. Mrs. Weasley had actually taken to writing articles for the 'stay at home witches' while Parvati Patil started to write for the investigative section and Padma Patil for the fashion. Apparently, the Daily Profit was going legit now.

Huh. Another thing I'll have to get used to.

I pulled Ginny down a dark alley way, only for her to raise an eye brow at me, I rolled my eyes at her, "Trust me." I said before pulling out my wand and waving it at the wall. It opened up into an archway and Ginny's mouth dropped open. I smirked at her and closed her mouth, "You'll catch flies."

She turned to look at me, still shocked, "I thought you gave up magic?"

"I did. That doesn't mean I don't know where this place or the others are. Just because I gave it up, doesn't mean that I may not have needed it for some reason or other." I took a step forward and gave her arm a tug, "Welcome to the Australian version of Diagon Alley. Money is the same; Gallons, sickles and knuts. Only difference is, if you see a shop with a light up dollar sign in the window, they take muggle money as well. And there is more of them than not." I dragged her through the street, and she couldn't keep the wonder off her face. I smiled, knowing this is what I was like when I first saw it.

"There are other streets? Is it like Knockturn Alley?" Ginny asked me, pointing to a sign post.

"No, they are actually other sections. This is the main one and most general. But others have different specialities. Some are mostly food, some are mostly books, some are mostly beauty and potions."

"This is better than Diagon Alley, who ever designed this needs to go and show our ministry what to do and how to make it better." I just laughed and pulled her to the first magical café I had ever gone to here. We sat at a table and drank our coffee, before walking around some more. And by that, I mean that Ginny had to see everything, and I laughed as she dragged me everywhere. Of course, she had to drag me out of the book shop, and I had to drag her out of the broom shop. It was just like old times.

But then I saw the time and it all came crashing down.

"Ginny, I have my appointment in twenty minutes, do you mind if we go? You could bring Dean here tomorrow while Emma and I are at work if you want?" I say to her.

"Alright, did you want me to come to the appointment with you? I don't have to come in, I can just wait."

"No, it's fine. I'll walk you most of the way home and then head off. It's not that far, I'll make it." I say.

We head out to the muggle side and walk back, we get to the corner of my street and I give her a hug, I took a couple steps before stopping, "Ginny, will you and Dean be there when I get home?"

"Do you want us to be?" she asked.

"Yeah. I do." I say with a smile.

"We'll be there." She says before turning and walking off, "I make no guarantees that you'll have Canadian club left though." She says with a laugh.

I shake my head as I turn away, smiling in a way I haven't in a long time. 

Please let me know if there are any mistakes made in any of the chapters that need to be fixed. 
Also if you were interested in being a Beta for my work, let me know. I am slowly working on others as well, just taking time. 

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