Chapter 13

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I got home and headed straight to the shower. Maybe the hot water would wake me up and all this would just be a nightmare. But I doubted it. I got out and wrapped myself in my dressing gown. It was fluffy and warm, and I loved it. I walked down the stairs and turned the kettle on, got out a mug and changed my mind. I needed alcohol to get through this dinner. It was going to be a hell of a long night. I pulled out a Canadian club and downed half of it before I walked back to my bedroom to find clothes. I so didn't want to do tonight. Yes, I know I keep saying it, but honestly, crap.

I finally settled on a nice skirt and an off the shoulder top. Also, my second can of Canadian club. Good thing the restaurant was a 5-minute walk away. I started to put on my make up when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called out. I put my mascara down and picked up the lipstick, waiting for Emma to come barging in before putting the lipstick any where near my face. And just as predicted, she came running in jumping on me. "I can't wait for tonight! Its going to be great! I can't wait to get to know the girl who has made my brother oh so happy!" She was grinning at me in the mirror, I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Yes, it will be wonderful. Now, get off me so I can finish getting ready." She laughed and moved off me, going out and sitting on the couch. I finished getting ready and walked into my room. I put on my shoes and picked up my hand bag, making sure that I had everything in it. I noticed my wand sitting on my bed side table. I had used it last night to turn off the lights, after studying it and wondering if it was going to bite me, of course. After a minute, I picked it up and put it in my bag, I was trying to get used to using it, I may as well get used to carrying it as well.

I walked into the loungeroom to find Emma sitting there, head back eyes closed with her head phones in. I'm so glad she felt so at home in my house that she could put her feet, shoes and all, up on my coffee table. Annoying best friends. I walked up to her and pushed her feet of the table, making her sit up quickly. "Sorry, I was on another planet listening to the music."

I smiled at her "You always end up on another planet when you listen to music."

"What? You mean like you when you read your books?" she said back to me with a smirk.

"Yes, just like that." I grinned at her. She laughed at me and stood up, shoving her head phones back into her bag. "Time to head off?" she asked me, I nodded my head and started towards the door. We walked out into the street, and headed to the restaurant. We talked about aimless things as we walked, just to pass the time. When we got there, Dean and Ginny were already sitting there waiting for us.

"Emma, Sarah! Hey, we are so glad you could both make it." Ginny said getting up and hugging us both. We smiled and greeted them back, before sitting down.

"So, how was your day? See any good sites?" I asked as we waited for our drinks to come.

"Yes, it was great. Dean took me to see the beach, and then he took me to the Front Beach café for lunch, it was amazing. I have never really been to a beach before. I have only ever swum in ponds or the creek near my house or at our boarding school." Ginny smiled at Dean.

"Oh, that would have been nice." I said to her, "So you two went to the same school?" I was trying so hard to pretend that I didn't know. That I didn't know that swimming in the lake meant dealing with the overly playful giant squid.

"Yes, we did. It was a co-ed boarding school." Dean said, finally turning away from Ginny to look at me and Emma. "We were put into four different houses and in each house, there were male and female dorms. We were both in the same house and had a lot of the same friends. We did go out while in school, but I guess it just wasn't the right time. It didn't last. But I'm hopeful that it will last this time." The waiter came and took our order after that.

"Oh, that sounds nice. Do you still see your friends from school or...?"

They looked at each other with a sad look on their face "There was an accident in our last year, and a few of them passed away." They were talking about the war. "There were some that were badly injured and are still getting better nearly 4 years later. There are some that will never get better." She said with a sad smile "But, enough of that. Tell us more about..."

"Ginny! Dean! I didn't know you were going to be here." Oh god. I knew that voice. Ron. Ginny stood up to hug her brother.

"I came with Dean to see his home and meet his family. This is his sister Emma and her best friend, Sarah."

Ron turned and said hello to Emma before turning to me "It's nice to meet you Sarah..." He stopped and stared at my eyes. His eyes wondered over my face before returning to my eyes "Hermione?!" How do people keep recognising me with the glamour on, seriously?!

"No, Ron, this is Sarah, not Hermione." Ginny said looking worriedly between Dean and Ron.

"No, it's Hermione. This is Hermione." Ron said staring at me.

"Ron, what are you doing harassing.... Ginny, Dean, hey, are you?" Harry said, then he turned to look at me. "Oh."

This was going to be a shit storm. 

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