Chapter 7

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It had been a week since I started using my wand again. I had started to set goals for myself. Each week, I had to use my wand for one thing, didn't matter what but at least one thing, if I used it more than that even better. It meant that I was making progress. I just had to use it for at least one task. Whether it was simply making a coffee, or something completely different. I was doing okay. Today was the day I had to reapply the glamour charm. I was standing in front of the mirror, looking at what was slowly changing back into Hermione. My hair was starting to curl, and brown was starting to appear. There were now more freckles appearing over my nose as well. I wondered if I was ready to face the real me. Even for a little bit. I could see the structure of my face start to change and I could feel my heart rate start to speed up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I counted to five and then opened my eyes. I had changed. And I don't just mean that the glamour had worn off. I mean that my real, my true body had changed.

After the war ended, I had lost so much weight that I was borderline anorexic. Even living with the Weasleys' I didn't put it all back on. It was so hard to eat the proper amount of food, I struggled to eat two pieces of toast for breakfast only to eat again about 4-5 hours later. Once I had moved here, to Australia, things started to change. I could eat more and after a time, after getting a job and a proper apartment, I just kept getting better. But as I hadn't seen my real body in such a long time, I didn't realise the full change. It was amazing. I honestly just didn't recognise myself. I couldn't quite work out if it was the change or if it was the fact that I hadn't been me for nearly 3 years.

I heard a tapping noise and was jolted out of my reverie. I quickly cast the glamour charm and went to have a look. I walked into the kitchen to see an owl at the window. This couldn't be good. No one could be sending me an owl. Right? I walked over and let it in, maybe it went to the wrong place. He landed on the table and dropped down the parcel it was carrying. I walked over to look at the name it was address too and stumbled back. It was addressed to me. Hermione 'Sarah' Granger. How did anyone know that it was me? How could they know where I was? I leant forward to pick up the package and the owl nipped at my hand and hooted indignantly. Oh. Right. I forgot. I walked to the fridge and got out some ham for him. Once I had fed him he flew straight back out the window. I walked back to the table and looked at the package again. I knew that writing, I just couldn't work out who it belonged to. I slowly opened it. Hoping beyond hope that it wasn't cursed. There was a book inside and when I pulled it out I dropped it. I couldn't help it. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. The book that Harry had bought for a friend. A friend that he hadn't seen in such a long time. I should have known. I should have put it together. I know I didn't have an appointment, but I had to see Mia. I ran around and got dressed, I don't even know how I managed to do it. Gotta love auto pilot.

I somehow managed to make it to her office and I have no idea how I got there safely. "Is Mia in? I need to see her now!" Joan, the receptionist looked up at me in shock. "She is in with a patient, she should be out soon, but then she is going to lunch. Do you have an appointment?" she asked

"No. But it's an emergency, I'm desperate." I needed to see her. I didn't know what to do.

"One moment and I'll call her... Sorry Mia, but Sarah is here, and she says it's an emergency.... Okay then." She put the phone down and looked back at me. "She said that she will see you as soon as she is done with this patient. Take a seat and I'll get you a glass of water."

I had been sitting and slowly sipping the water for about 15 minutes when Mia came out and sat next to me. "Sarah, are you okay? What going on?" she asked

"Someone found me. Harry came into work last week and bought a book. I received via the mail this morning." Although freaking out, I was still conscious of the muggle receptionist. "I knew that someone had found me and was following me. I knew that it was them. I can't believe that they found me. What am I supposed to do?"

"Would you like Japanese for lunch? There is a great place just down the road I was going to go to. Join me and we'll continue this conversation. Joan, I'm sorry, but I need to take care of this, would you like me to bring you back your usual?" Joan nodded and waved us out.

We walked in and ordered before we sat down "Now tell me how they could have found you?" Mia asked

"What do you know of a magical signature?"

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