Chapter 16

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"Hermione...?" Emma whispered. I nodded and smiled at her as I walked in.

"Would anyone like any help?" I asked

"No, sit down. Did you want coffee?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, please. You know, you don't have to do this. I can get my own coffee." I said as Ginny sat it down in front of me.

"I know, but you were still in bed and we were hungry. We are nearly done, anyway. Is it okay if I use magic? I'm really hungry." Ginny grinned at me.

"Sure. I'm sure Emma would love to see it." I said. Ginny waved her wand and all the food came and set itself at the table. Emma sat there with her mouth hanging open looking at the food, condiments and the coffee and tea pots floating to the table. I think after all the time of not using or seeing magic I was a little wide eyed as well.

"So, what are you guys up to today?" I asked looking between Dean and Ginny.

"Not sure, do you have work today?" Dean asked.

"I do, but Sarah has the day off. She has her appointment today." Emma said

"Appointment?" Ginny looked at me

"I have a shrink appointment. A muggle mind healer." I clarified after seeing the look on Ginny's face.

"Why are you seeing one of them? What do they do?" Ginny asked

"They help you talk about things and make people deal with things that you are having trouble with. Family problems, nightmares. Eating disorders. Anything that affects your mental health, they are there to help you. Although, Hermione, I would like to know how you explained about the war without giving away what happened with the war?" Asked Dean

"She is a squib. She is still close with her family and knows everything that went on. I was careful the first few sessions, but she had read the article of the missing war hero that morning. I didn't know how about her being a squib, so I was using Harry and Ron's real name. She worked it out quickly."

"Well, what do you do afterwards?" Asked Ginny

"Generally, I am exhausted, so I run a hot bath, pour a large glass of jack or grab a can or 3 of Canadian club and read a book." I said.

"So, you wouldn't would to go out for lunch or coffee?" Ginny asked

"My appointment isn't until 3pm. We could go before hand?"

"Sure, any nice places you know?"

"There is a new Vietnamese place not far from here, that okay? Dean are you coming?" I asked

"No, you girls have fun, I'll spend some time with Emma." Dean responded.

I finished breakfast and ran upstairs to have a shower. I let the hot water wash over me, thinking about everything that had happened in the last 12 hours. I couldn't believe that I had let the glamour charm come off. The first time in 3 years, I was me again. I was Hermione Granger. I had no idea how this was going to go.

I got dried and dressed before looking in the mirror to do my hair. Good god. I forgot it looked like this. I started to try and fix it before putting on make up for the day. That's when it hit me. There was no way I could go out like this. I started to panic before I realised I could simply recast the glamour. I took a breath, cast the spell and finished getting ready. I walked into the kitchen and Emma smiled sadly at me. I sat down and had another cup of coffee, listening to the conversation around me. Ginny was asking questions about certain things, apparently, thanks to Harry and Dean, she had some experience in the muggle world, and wanted to know more. Emma was also asking questions about the magical world. I was started to zone out when I heard a knock on the front door. I went and answered the door only to see 2 people I really didn't think I could deal with. Why was my world collapsing around me now?

"Ron, I don't know what's wrong with you? Leave the poor girl alone. That's not Hermione. I'm sorry dear. We'll just be leaving now."

"Mum. I swear. Its Hermione. I know it doesn't look like her, but I swear it is." If looks could kill, Ron would be a goner.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley." I said taking a deep breath. I felt a hand a on my shoulder and turned to see Ginny with me.

"Mum, what are you doing here?"

"When Ron said he had found Hermione, I just had to come see for myself, but this isn't her... Is it?" Mrs. Weasley stood looking at me with an unreadable expression on her face. Ginny gripped my shoulder harder and I turned to look at her, hoping she would give me some indication of what to do. She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. Some help she was.

"Yes, it is Mrs. Weasley. I have been living here since I left. I decided to stay as I had just found my parents and restored their memories and I couldn't bare to leave them. I couldn't bare to go back to all that destruction either. I couldn't handle it. I'm sorry I left in the way I did. It was not okay." I stopped talking and waited for the outburst I was sure to come. But I wasn't expecting her to burst into tears and pull me to her in a hug. I hugged her back, feeling tears run down my face as well. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. She gave me a small smile, before turning and walking away, calling for Ron to follow her. Ginny and I watched them leave before I closed the door and turned around.

"Did that just happen or was I imaging things?" I asked the room in general.

Dean popped his head around the corner before saying "There was no yelling. Why was there no yelling? Mrs. Weasley always yells... I'm kind of scared."

"You're not the only one." Ginny said before heading back to the kitchen leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What the hell just happened?!

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