"The Hunter Association. I can't think of anyone else who would be this foolish." Shin mentions, even without sniffing the scent left behind by the hunter when they planted the microphone, he knows there is only one group of people who would dare to challenge the Netherrealm using human bait.

"Hmpf, that human stench never gets better. Woman show me that arm. I'm going to remove whatever it is they have planted in you." Carla demands, removing his white glove from his right hand, reading his sharp claws.

Yui can only close her eyes as she shows her left arm, the white bandages still look fresh as if the Hunters applied something else before she left for the Netherrealm with Shin and Carla the other day.

Shin takes a closer inspection as well. Taking a few sniffs, trying to find if Yui has been poisoned. When he stands back, Shin lets out a sigh, a sign for Carla that there is no other substance in Yui's body that would give away an odor. However, there are countless of poison that are odorless. The Founders can't be too careful.

"A tracker?" Carla inspects the micro device in his hands 

"No, it looks more like a microphone." Taking a closer look, Carla notices a square pattern. "Those foolish humans, did they really think we wouldn't find about their ploy. Seeing how that woman acted in the Ballroom, she must have found a way to make sure that their plans would fail."

Carla chuckles darkly "Now to those foolish humans on the other side. Allow me to give you one warning."

With one quick slash of Carla's claws he cuts out the microphone planted inside of Yui's skin, with a quick push he shoves the young female to his younger brother. Holding the microphone up in the air, as if investigating if there is a camera as well.

"You have messed with 2 kings tonight. Our vengeance will be sweet. None of you will see another day."

With that Carla breaks the microphone, letting the small machine fall to the floor. Glancing back to Yui and Shin, noticing how his brother is already licking the wound clean. Enjoying himself to some of Eve's sweet blood.

Carla scans the area, with a single look he finds Shu, conversing with their eyes only. The world seems to disappear around them, the Founding King and the Sakamaki Heir, exchange serious glances, seconds appear like hours. However the message is clear between them. The danger that is within the Netherrealm has been thwarted. 

For now. 

Which leaves only Eden.

The Castle still remains unprotected with a hidden danger only Liana knows the origin of. Shu simply nods, the world appears back to normal for the pair. When he hears the voice of Antares, Shu turns his attention behind him. The young maiden, hidden under the big coat of his father is now with Kino. Perhaps one of the better brothers to be with right now.

The two can get along rather well, Shu takes another look at the mantle. He didn't realize just how great his father actually is while standing in front of him. However, now that Shu is in charge while an emergency is going on, it is then he understands a little bit what it means to be a King. With how he is now, he still has many centuries to go before he can even grasp a small amount of what his father can do.

 With how he is now, he still has many centuries to go before he can even grasp a small amount of what his father can do

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