Chapter Fifteen

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I return to the Haven in the afternoon, clothes in tow. I briskly set up camp, lining up the various parts of the Lost Girl outfit to be tailored. I work quickly, and I am pleased when I stand back a little later, admiring my work. I wanted to make sure that I could move around well, so I took that into account. The new and improved Lost Girl outfit consists of a medium length cloak with hood, a shirt with sleeves that come down to the elbows and ties at the bottom, pants that have a couple of small pockets and come down to the knee, and a leather belt that contains Pan's dagger, some first aid supplies, and other essentials. I also made a tank top for when it gets too hot, a bag that I can use to carry things to and from the Haven, and a couple of hair ties. I save some excess fabric for adjustments if I so need them, but I'm happy right now. I put on my new outfit and walk over to the pond, admiring my new look. I decide to head back to camp, wondering if the Lost Boys will notice any improvement. I mean, I did go from baggy clothes to ones that fit and I look good in, but boys tend to not notice a whole lot.

However, the Lost Boys are observant. I walk into camp, heading towards Devin and a group of Lost Boys that I've become acquaintances with, and Devin jokingly wolf-whistles before starting to laugh. "You showing off?" He asks, and I laugh too. "You guys wear enough layers for two people, did you really think I'd stay with that?" I continue joking with the Lost Boys, and out of the corner of my eye I see Pan and Felix talking to each other while Pan points at me. Who cares, though. He never made a rule against DIYing. Besides, I had a good time. Maybe they're jealous and want to stop wearing potato sacks. Who knows.

During archery practice, I get it many good shots, and Felix walks over. "So, you've been here a week and you're already beating most of the Lost Boys at archery?" I grin, and take another shot. "You guys must be out of practice." He laughs and walks away. The rest of the day goes by perfectly, and I honestly think today was one of the best days I've had so far. When night falls, I find myself laughing with the Lost Boys in front of a crackling fire, and it seems like life couldn't get any better. I fall asleep, watching the stars go by in the sky and feeling grateful that I ended up here.


I wake early again, and decide to head to the targets for a second day in a row. Hey, you can't get better without practice. I throw on my tank top and pants before heading silently through the forest. For some reason, I'm not surprised to see Pan there as well. "You couldn't sleep either?" I ask him, and he nods once before we get into position and start trading blows. He still has to correct my form every now and then, but this morning we focused on the correct moment to strike an opponent and when to block certain hits. We practice silently for about an hour, and then dawn breaks and we leave. I wonder how long we will continue to do this, and why he's only helping me now, when nobody else is around. Maybe he doesn't want his 'I'm in charge' act to be broken in front of the Lost Boys. Regardless, I'm just glad he's helping me.

Today, I was selected by Felix to help make breakfast with a Lost Boy I don't know as well, a boy named James. James and I are preparing the food when he whispers something to me. "Hey, Saramia? Look, I know you don't like Pan. I've had this idea: the island would be better if Pan wasn't here. I mean, all he does is yell at us. Felix would be great as first in command, and it would be a lot more fun." I stay silent, wondering where he's going with this. I mean, Pan does yell at us, but as much as I hate to say it, he is in charge. He takes care of the Lost Boys, something I can appreciate, and in the end, I think he's got our best interests in mind. Regardless, James continues in a rushed whisper. "I collected some dreamshade poison and I'm going to put it in his breakfast. It's the perfect opportunity. I need you to make sure that nobody gets the wrong plate, though. I know you want him gone." What? He's going to kill Pan? I mean, he did kidnap me and lock me in a cage, but this still doesn't feel right. However, I don't want James poisoning me too, so I nod and agree to follow his plan. I watch as James carefully drips a few drops of dreamshade poison in one plate of food, and he calls to the rest of the Lost Boys and announces that breakfast is ready.

The Lost Boys stream out of the trees and go to collect their food. James keeps the poisoned breakfast away, but I keep getting a bad feeling about this. Pan himself comes out of the forest, and I watch as James gives him the poisoned food, watching him closely. Pan walks a few paces away and sits down on a log, ready to begin eating. I feel myself start to panic. Is this really the right choice? To poison him? I watch Pan lift a bite of food to his mouth, and I see James' eyes glow out of the corner of my eyes. This isn't right. Before I know what's happening, I feel myself sprint across the camp. James raises his arms to stop me, but it's too late. I knock the food out of Pan's hand, and he looks at me in surprise. "Sara-" I cut him off. "It's poisoned." I see understanding cross Pan's eyes and he instantly stands up. He looks to James' angry face, and he waves his hand. A portal appears behind him, and James falls down the portal. Pan carefully gets rid of the poisoned breakfast, and grabs me by the arm and leads me away from the Lost Boys into the forest.

He turns to me, and asks, "Why did you tell me it was poisoned?" "I don't know. It didn't seem right, but I- I honestly don't know." He nods, walking a few paces away before turning around. "Don't worry about James. I'll take care of him." I nod, "Don't kill him. He just wanted something different on the island." Pan turns to me, surprised. "He tried to kill me. What's wrong with me doing the same to him?" I sigh. "James just wanted an escape. Banish him off of the island, or something, but don't kill him." Pan seems intrigued, but he nods. "Oh, and Saramia? Thank you." He walks past me back into camp, and I feel stunned. He thanked me? I mean, I just saved his life, but still. He doesn't seem like the thanking type. Also, are we friends now? This is how a lot of really strong friendships start. I'm left thinking this over, and I return to camp as well.

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