I didn't reply.

"How did the building catch fire?"

"I don't know," I said, not batting an eye. Storm did not know about my pyrokinetic abilities and I intended to keep it that way. "There was a lot of shooting and the next thing I knew, the building was on fire."

"How were you planning on getting out," he kept pushing, "with the building on fire on top of you?"

I looked at him and smirked. "Is that why you came looking for me? You were trying to save me!"

My 'teasing' backfired when he said; "I went to save the prisoners and the guards. Not a single one of them survived."

I gulped and said nothing.

"Why do you do this, Gravel?" Super Storm sighed. "The money? Or are you just a psychopath?"

I gritted my teeth. "Is that what you think? Then why did you bring me here, to your house? Why didn't you let me die? Or take off my mask?"

I did not get any answer. Storm merely got up and walked out of the room. Great!

I sighed and let my eyes wander. I was in a small room, brightly lit, with paintings hanging on the walls. There was a small study table tucked to a corner, messy with papers, magazines, and colourful pens - all of which somehow reminded me of Aspen. I began wondering where he was and subconsciously I pulled out my phone from my pocket - wincing at the pain the movement caused me.

There was one message from Aspen -

I'm sorry, Ridge, the work took longer than expected. Can you take the sheets and stuff with you? I'll collect it from you later.

A smile made its way to my lips, though I wasn't sure why. I quickly typed a reply, saying it was cool, I would see him tomorrow, and pressed send.

Closing the messaging app, I saw the notifications from the news apps. They were all speculating what must've happened in Haynorr. They did not have anything concrete because none of them were ever allowed anywhere near the facility and its authorities always did their best to keep all their workings confidential. And if Storm was right and so many people had died, they would be all the more careful to keep it all under the lid.

Speaking of the devil, Super Storm returned to the room, busy typing on his phone. In his hand, he carried a bowl which he handed to me without looking up from the screen.

"What is this?" I asked the bowl.

He did not reply immediately. He first finished his typing, then pocketed the phone and then looked at me. "Don't ask stupid questions. I won't poison you."

I pushed myself to a sitting position, trying my best not to let the pain show on my face because - never show your weakness in front of your enemy! I then took the bowl from him and stared at the soup. I almost jumped from shock, ready to attack, when I suddenly felt Super Storm fix the pillows behind me so that I could sit up comfortably.

"Are you on crack?" I asked him.

"I'm starting to question it myself," he replied. He had a cloth hung over his shoulder which he took and threw at me. "Put that on. You're not getting back your costume - it's in shreds in a dumpster somewhere."

I swirled the liquid with the spoon. "Did you operate on me?" I asked, trying my best not to let the grin escape from my lips. "I can't wait to return the favour."

"Shut up and drink the soup. After you're done, I'll have to knock you out and leave you by an alley somewhere -"

"Not hand me over to the cops? Come on, now you're just disappointing me."

My nemesis outright ignored me and sat down on the chair, pulling out his phone. This generation, I tell you!

I brought my attention back to the soup. I took a sip and nearly dropped the bowl. I was expecting some cheap, lame packet soup that I was so accustomed to having. But what I had in my hands tasted like... real vegetables!

"Did you make it?" I asked in a ghost of a voice.

Storm did not look up from his phone. "My mother did."

I let out a gasp before I could help myself. I was grateful for the mask because I was pretty sure my eyes were getting moist.

Storm looked at me and, despite my mask covering my pained expression, his gaze softened. "Like it?"

"Yes," I breathed, nodding to myself. Before I could put that damn reign on my mouth, I was already on a roll, "I had a friend who could control the plants. When we first came to the city, lost and hungry and homeless, he would grow carrots and peas and beans for us, and we would make what poor excuse of a soup we could -" I broke off when I felt the memory was too heavy to carry.

"Was he the friend your sidekick thought was in Haynorr?" Storm asked.

I nodded despite myself.

"What happened to him?"

"We are bad guys, Storm," I breathed. "Hell came for him."

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