Chapter One: Ordinary Friends

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As Dan and Phil said bye to Chris and PJ they walked back to their apartment after seeing a movie with their two friends. When they got back Dan flopped onto the couch and sighed. "What's wrong" Phil asked "Nothing I just got no sleep last laptop sometimes isn't my friend" Dan said. Phil didn't want to know of Dan read a fanfiction or what he found on Tumblr.

There was a moment of silence between them. "Well if you're tired get some sleep preferably in your room" Phil said. "But I'm comfortable and my room is too far away" Dan said half sleeping. "Okay fine" Phil sighed.

Phil walked to his room and remembered they were going to meet up with Louise early tomorrow. He crawled back out of bed to tell Dan but he was already in a deep sleep on the couch. Phil covered Dan with a blanket and turned off the lights and set an alarm for 7:00 AM so they will have time to meet Louise at 9. Phil quickly fell asleep.

He woke up to his alarm and basically rolled off of his bed with the blankets on. He walked over to Dan yawning and sat on the couch next to Dan. He poked Dan gently and said they were going to meet Louis at 9 and he had to get up. Dan rubbed his eyes and saw Phil sitting next to him. He stared into Phil's eyes for a moment and felt it felt weird. Almost like he was in love for a moment but quickly brushed it off.

Dan rolled off the couch and got ready. The entire time he was thinking about what he felt when he looked into Phil's eyes and don't know what he felt. He couldn't get it off his mind. He was beginning to think he could be gay for Phil.

When they met up with Louise they ate lunch together and walked around for the day. There were a few times in the day when Dan had that same feeling as that morning. He don't know what to do and he didn't want to tell Phil and possibly ruin their friendship, little did he know the same thing was on Phil's mind that same day.

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