Chapter 5

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They were finishing dessert when Vanessa felt his hand on her bare leg. His touch was as light as a feather, yet it shook her to her core. She should have removed his hand, but instead she let him turn her into a fuse that he was setting aflame. He was slowly burning her down. The most annoying part was that he knew the effect he had on her, and he loved it.

"Would you like to go for a walk after we leave this place?" he asked.

"I am afraid I am not wearing the good shoes for that" she answered, showing her heels.

"It will not be a long walk. Actually, it is more like an art gallery walk."

"What do you mean by art gallery walk?"

"A good friend of mine has an exposition in a gallery not far from here. I have to show up there. I thought maybe, we could go together."

"Oh, I am not sure this is a good idea."

"Why? The night is still young sweetheart."

"I have to go back to work the day after tomorrow. I cannot stay out to long."

"I thought you had few days left in your vacations?" He asked while paying the tab.

"After the discovery of yesterday, I canceled my plans with Stacy. Thus, better get back to work."

"Okay, I see. You still not talking to Stacy?You cannot stay mad at her for something I did sweetheart. This is not fair."

"I do not want to talk about that. We should leave now." she said while standing up.

He followed her to his car. "To the gallery? We will not stay long. I promised."


It has been 30 minutes since they'd arrived at the gallery. Jered stayed by her side, holding her hand all the time. Even when some fans came to him, asking for pictures, he reluctantly left her hand. She was embarrassed by his attitude but decided to let it go. Her mission tonight was to get laid and she would succeed.


"That's my name"

"Can we talk about Stacy now?:"


"Come on. She is your best friend. You can't possibly stay angry when you forgave me."

"You should mind your own business Jered." she spat, pulling away.

He felt insulted. She was too stubborn. He only wanted to make things right. She had crossed her arms over her bust in a defense position, glaring at him and silently daring him to say something. He knew she would use it against him. He loved a feisty woman, but she needed to learn when and where to show that trait. She wanted to play, fine. He was up to it. He took his phone and dialed Stacy number.

"You have 2 options sweetheart. Either you act like and adult and talk to your friend. Or I'll make you do it."

She smirked at him with an eyebrow raised. "I'd looove to see you try." She replied.

"Hey Stacy... Yeah I know it's late... No, hold on a second please."He put the phone on mute and took one step closer to Vanessa. "Take this phone sweetheart."

She stared at him, not even pretending to take the phone.

He took another step closer, bow down to be at her level, then whispered "Take this damn phone or I swear I will take you right here, right now and fuck some sense into you." It was clearly a threat. She could see in his eyes that he was serious.

"You wouldn't dare. You're a public person. Reputation is everything."She said back, trying to conceal her arousal.

"That's where you wrong Vanessa. I have PR to take care of this kind of things. You're sure you want to try me?"

It was the first time he used her full name. And it did sound enticing. However, as much as she wanted to get laid, she had never been an exhibitionist and didn't plan on starting. She snatched the phone.

"Hello Cycy"



"I was worried about you. You okay?"


"Are we good Nessa?"

"We're good Cycy. Don't worry. I'll call you back in the morning. Go back to sleep."

"You sure? "

"Sure, I promise"

"Okay, talk to you tomorrow then. Love you."

"Love you too."

She hang up and gave him his phone. "It wasn't that hard, was it?"He taunted her.

"Fuck you Jered."

"You wish sweetheart" He said laughing.

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