Chapter 8

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Vanessa was in the cab to Jered's parent house. She arrived few hours ago and registered in a hotel. They didn't expect her for another hour or two. She had agreed to come because she missed him. However, if she had to sleep on her own, better be in the comfort of a hotel room.

For the event of the previous week, she decided to play coy and avoid to be alone with Trevor. He tried more than once to have her over at his place but she knew better. She thought about coming clean to Jered, but she didn't want to lose him. She would keep her mouth shut.

She was now standing at the door, waiting.

"Vanessa?" It was the father of Jered. He was behind her, his hands full of grocery bags.

"Hi Bob, let me help you" she said taking a bag from him.

"Hey Vanessa. What are you doing here? I though your flight was for this afternoon"

"I wanted to surprise Jered."

"Good, he'll be happy to see you." She followed him inside to the kitchen. "Hey guys, look who I found"

In the room was the mom, his sister, and older brother. She hugged them all. They were a family of huggers. "Where is your luggage Nessa?" asked Clara the mom. She was about to answer when she felt 2 powerful arms sneaked around her waist and lifted her up. She made a little shriek. Jered put her down laughing, only to turn her around and embrace her. "I've miss you so much" he whispered, tightening the accolade.

He felt so good. Like home. "I've missed you too" she replied against his chest sincerely.

She felt him lifted her up again "I'm sorry guys" he said to his parents "but I need some alone time with my girl" he finished carrying her to the outdoor patio. They all laughed at them.

"Jered! What will your family think?"

"That we're the cutest couple they've ever seen" he answer before kissing her.

"You should have told me that you were coming earlier."

"I know. I just missed you too bad, so I changed my flight."

"Great. Where is your luggage? Don't tell me you forgot to pack!"

"No, I left my stuff at the hotel."

"What hotel? I told you, you could stay with my sister. You didn't have to book a room. Come on, let's go cancel the reservation."

"Wait Bae."

"No, I want you around, not at some random hotel."

"Jered! Listen to me. I know that's not what you wanted. But I'm here now. I won't be able to be totally comfortable at your sister house, because I will feel like I am intruding her privacy. The hotel isn't that far. I'll be here from dawn till dusk. Bae I'm right here. " she said hugging him.

"Okay. But for the record, I don't like it."

"I know bae."

"You lucky you cute"

"You're not too bad for an old man yourself" she said laughing.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

It was almost midnight when she got to the hotel room. She tried to make him stay with her but he refused. Annoying!

The next day was so fun. She help the family with the brunch in the morning, then the barbecue at night. She forgot that she had her phone with Jered, since she was always busy with cooking, his nephews, and his parents. It was great. Strangely, he was calm all day long. She tried to hug him, but he was cold. She decided to not pay attention to him. When she was ready to go back, he was still mute.

"Are you okay bae?"


"You didn't talk much today"

"It's happened sometime"

"Uh! Okay."

He walked her to her room. However, instead of going back home like he did the night before, he got in and locked the door behind him. That was strange.

"Jered?" He stood there, hands in his pockets. Not saying a word.

"Jered! What's wrong?" She asked.

He took something out of his pocket and threw it on the bed. She turned to see it was her phone.

"Who is Trevor Vanessa?" the voice stone cold.

She felt her heart miss a beat.

"A friend. Why?" He took a step back. She could see his hands were clenched in a fist. He looked like he was trying to remain calm. Seeing how tense he was, she took a step back as well.

"All your friends tell you that... what did he say? Ah! Yes! That he wished you were by his side, to hold you, kiss you and enjoy each other's body till you can't walk."

Her eyes grew wide. Damn, what's wrong with Trevor? She was in trouble. Big trouble.

"He was probably kidding. Nothing to worry. He can be stupid."

"Ah! So him saying that he can't wait for the day he will finally be inside you is a joke."


"No. I think I saw and I quote: stop wasting your time with that punk, come to a real man. Is that what you want Vanessa? He ask, his voice deeper, not trying to conceal his anger anymore.

"I don't know what got into him Jered."

"You sure you don't? It seems pretty clear to me. That punk over here refuses to fuck you, so you found someone else to do that. What are you waiting then? Why haven't you done it yet? You should call him and ask him to come and do that now. Come on. Go ahead." He said getting closer.

"Jered, I did nothing wrong. I didn't cheat on you, I swear" she defended herself.

"It didn't crossed your mind?" he asked his eyes dull and empty.

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