Chapter 2

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Hey Guys!

I jus want to thank you for reading this story.

I'll do my best to update it everyday.

Thanks a lot.

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Vanessa spent most of her time with Jered. Now, apart from Stacy and Dave, who were cleaning the backyard, they were alone, taking care of the dishes in the kitchen.

"May I ask you something sweetheart?"

"Go ahead," she said washing the plates while he'd rinsed them.

"I am curious. Why are you single? Bad break up? Too busy?"

"Better be alone than poorly accompanied" she said.

"Oh! Picky. I see."

"Uh! Why knowing what I do not want makes me picky?" she snapped at him.

"Eh! Chill tiger! I was just kidding."

She sighed. She was normally able to control her emotions. But she was tired. She faced him.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to ..."

He didn't let her finish. "It's okay. I like my woman a little feisty." He said with a cocky smile on his face.

"Your woman! Well, lucky her." She said with a playful smile.

"Lucky you, you mean," he said standing right behind her, with his hands on her shoulders.

She turned to face him, only to meet his chest. She was so close, she could feel the heat coming out of his body. She took a deep breath before pushing him gently and going on the other side of the room. "This is not a good idea."

"What exactly?"

"I'm flattered by the attention, but ..."

He didn't let her finish. "I know you came today to meet Carl." He started, slowly walking toward her. 

"I have a confession to make. There is NO Carl." He stopped there, carefully watching her reaction.

Her eyebrows furrowed for a second. Then she narrowed her eyes in confusion as she glare at him. The surprise was written all over her face. He couldn't help but smirk. 

When Stacy gave him the details of Vanessa a year ago, she told him how great she was. And that she thought they could be good for each other. He didn't like the idea as he wasn't a fan of blind dates. But, the more she kept talking about her friend, the more he was willing to get to know her. Plus it did help that he found her cute, with a delightful smile, on all the pictures he saw. 

When he finally decided to try, he presented himself with his middle name. He wanted to make sure it was for the real Jered she would fall, and not for his fame and fortune. Gladly, things went well and he fell in love with her, without even having met her in real life. He thought it was crazy, but he was always eager to talk to her, especially after a long, tiresome day. 

After 6 months, he tried to set up dates to meet her. Unfortunately, they both a ectic schedules at the time and couldn't make it.

He later discovered that she was into black men and had never been in an interracial relationship. This made him agog. She still thought Carl was black. This is why he pretended to be, well not to be Carl, and with the help of Stacy. He wanted for her to get to know the real him and enjoy his company. 

Luckily, things went smoothly and they spent almost the whole afternoon together. From the moment he saw her, all he wanted to do was to kiss her. And now, in this kitchen, he couldn't help but stare at her while she was washing the dishes. Time had come to reveal himself.

"I'm the person you've been talking too all this time."

"Excuse me? If this is a joke, then it isn't funny. Stacy cannot do that to me." She said suddenly furious. What was the meaning of all that? Why would her friend betrayed her like that? Was it all a sickening joke from the beginning? She had to talk to Stacy NOW!

"Look, I understand this is confusing, but you have to believe me. We did not have the intention to make a fool out of you. I wanted to keep my real identity hidden to make sure you would like me for who I am really."

Vanessa was speechless. She grabbed her phone on the counter while leaving the kitchen, refusing to confront Jered. If this was true, she had to leave the house. She went for her handbag in the leaving room when her phone started to ring. It was ... Greg?


"Nessa", surprisingly he sounded very close. "I'm right behind you."

Her heart skipped a beat. She turned around, only to come face to face with Jered who had a phone in his hand.

"Hello Nessa!" He said looking straight in her eyes.

She looked one more time at the phone, it was still Carl number. She could see from the corner of her eyes Stacy standing in the room with a guilty face. "Let me explain Nessa," she said.

They played her. All this time, they played her. How stupid she had been.

She threw the phone in her bag heading to the door, "Don't bother." She didn't give them the time to react. She was already in her car when she saw both of them at the door, probably trying to stop her.

On her way home, her phone kept ringing. She just ignored it. She was royally pissed off. It was all a lie. They were probably laughing now at her. All those hours, she let herself go. She allowed herself to fall for a man she didn't know. And here she was, like an idiot. Thinking that she was making plan with Stacy to go on vacay together for the next week! She would spend the rest of her holidays alone, locked in her house. Soon as she got home, she had several missed calls and unread messages. She turned her phone off and went straight to bed.

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