GATE thus the GAR fought there Chapter 4: Koda Village

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=====GAR Alnus Base=====

Recon is a very important thing when it comes to war. This war is no exception.
As planned 12 recon teams were formed. Crosshair  wanting, to partake in the action(more killing of idiots), joined Recon Team 3. He met up with them at the vehicle pool, there he found the members of his new squad. "CT-6492 reporting for duty si-" "Please gentlemen, drop the formalities. Also names only." interrupted Crosshair. Riggs who was just about to finish his statement nodded and replied "All good Crosshair. Men, this will be the CO of pur team, go ahead and introduce yourselves." One of the troopers stepped up and said "I'm Chaff sir, I will be the pilot of our AT-TE." Another stepped up. "My name is Solemn sir, I'm the team medic." Hopefully not like Kix thought Crosshair. "The name is Potshot sir, I'm the sniper of this team." Crosshair nodded as another trooper stepped up. "It's Juno sir, I'm standard infantry sir" Another followed suit and said "I'm Comet sir, the heavy weapons specialist." "Wait, wheres Rider?" asked Riggs. Just then a trooper ran up to them and saluted. "Sorry I'm late sir, Luitenant Jess had me do an errand for her." Riggs and Crosshair shook their heads. Jess already has a big ego despite being the only other girl in the base. "I'm Rider sir, standard infantry"
Two more troopers stepped up "I'm Kickstart, he's Whiplash" referring to  the other trooper beside him. Later, the men gathered their equipment and loaded it into the AT-TE. They soon left base and into the reigon.

====Some Random Forest====

The clones set camp in the forest for lunch. As they were eating they're MREs (meal read to eat, for those people who are wondering), Crosshair and Riggs were talking about the war on the other side. The real war. Still, this place wasn't so bad. "What do you think about the place?" asked Riggs. Crosshair shrugged "Eh, nothing to new besides the enemy. Maybe the food here could possibly be good, that would get me talking" Riggs snickered at this and proceeded to eat the rest of his lunch when Potshot and Juno walked up to them. "Sir, me and Juno have found a village just a few clicks on our East." Crosshair and Riggs stood up and packed their equipment. "Alright, tell Chaff to prep the walker and give him the coordinates" ordered Crosshair "Yes sir"

[Some 34 minutes later]

Chaff had the walker halt some 5 meters from the village to not scare the villagers. Then he took Solemn, Comet and Juno with him to check out the village. They were met by the village elder who proceeded to ask them questions. "Who are you?" "Where are you from?" "Are you a knight?". Crosshair then replied using his translatot manual "We soldiers of the Galactic Republic, we come in peace. We are looking for map. Do you have one?" The village elder hesitated for a second then said "We have a map, but you can not take it, only look" Crosshair then said in basic (english) "Solemn, get me the data pad." He was escorted by 4 villagers to the map. There, he made a copy of the map using the data pad. He later returned to his men. "There's another village in a forest 10 miles from here" Crosshair told Chaff. Chaff gave a thumbs up and said "We'll get there by 2100"

====Outskirts of the forest====

The troopers once again set camp. They were having dinner when they heard something. A huge roar echoed. Then.
"Sir, huge fire at the forest" called out Potshot. Crosshair lowered his macronoculars on his helmet. "Bloody Hell" he muttered. He was looking at a huge red fire breathing dragon. "Nobody fire, it might spot us" orderd Crosshair. Kriff, now dragons? This might be harder than I once thought...

The End.
(Of the chaptet you d'ikut)

Boom! I'm back baby! Did ya' miss me? Yeah you did. Hope you like the new chapter. As I stated in the previous chapter, I congratulate you all who guessed the village name. That's it for today folks. Peace out.


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